The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

Series: “Future Congress 2”
Katharine and Myles joined a gathering in Dallas comprising Hal Lindsey, the late Jack Kinsella, Bill Koenig, and other key teachers on prophecy. Experience amazing testimonies, teachings, interviews, and roundtables with Messianic leaders.
1314 “Israel and World Revival,” Part 1
At the conference, Myles suggests that Jews and gentiles should aspire to a balanced view of Israel. Christians have gone too far in the past, trying to “correct” Israel. The most Jewish thing a Jewish person can do is believe in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah.
1315 “Israel and World Revival,” Part 2
Myles describes Israel as God’s signpost. We are saved by Yeshua’s blood alone. However, the Church must recognize that Israel’s suffering has been genuine and real. Believers need to be recruiting members to the Body for the return of the King of the Jews.
1316 “One New Man”
1317 “A Messianic Perspective,” Part 1
Speaking from the conference, Myles proclaims that we are living in a day of restoration. Peter’s preaching at Pentecost transformed the world, and now the world is dividing into people of the Book and people NOT of the Book.
1318 “A Messianic Perspective,” Part 2
Myles encourages Believers to use love and not force to win souls. Accepting Yeshua’s sacrificial gift of salvation does not “convert” Jews to a new religion, rather it means repenting from sin and following God in the way we live.
1319 “Messianic Voices”
From the Future Congress 2 prophecy conference, four Messianic leaders give personal testimonies: Robin Rose through the Jesus generation in the 1970s, Geoff Cohen growing up Orthodox in South Africa, Aharon Mendez being prayed for by believing parents, and Todd Baker moving from atheism to search for truth.
1320 “Three Friends of Israel”
The (late) Jack Kinsella declares we are now living in the “time of the signs.” Journalist Bill Koenig shows the bias against Israel at the United Nations. Author Bill Salus foresees a coming Arab-Israeli war based on Psalm 83.