The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “The Judas Goat”
Using the Fort Worth Stockyards as a backdrop, Joshua and Caleb compare a method using a goat to move sheep through a slaughterhouse to things that could lead unsuspecting believers astray.

Caption transcript for “The Judas Goat”

  • 00:01 Joshua Colson: Because, it's a
  • 00:03 surprise, that's what we do. male announcer: Coming up on "Our Jewish Roots."
  • 00:05 Caleb Colson: Wait, wait, you cannot begin an episode
  • 00:07 teaching about the demon, Satan,
  • 00:09 goatman-hybrid, Baphomet.
  • 00:12 Joshua: Brother, it's time to go on an epic,
  • 00:15 historic journey of goat-like proportions.
  • 00:19 Joshua: Not just any goat, but a goat by the name
  • 00:21 of "The Judas Goat."
  • 00:24 Caleb: Oh, now you've piqued my interest.
  • 00:27 ♪♪♪
  • 00:33 David Hart: Thank you so much for joining us today,
  • 00:35 we're glad you're with us.
  • 00:36 Now, normally, you will see a lot of footage from Israel,
  • 00:40 teaching from there.
  • 00:42 Hi, guys.
  • 00:43 Today, I think it's a little different location, yes?
  • 00:46 Joshua: Well, if you've paid attention to any of the "Bearded
  • 00:47 Bible Brothers" seasons, you've noticed that this is our
  • 00:49 hallowed bunker, of which we deliver the Lord's Word safely
  • 00:53 and often, because this time we couldn't make it to Israel for
  • 00:55 this message, there are pertinent things God wanted us
  • 00:57 to share that we had to do now.
  • 00:59 Caleb: I hear we're going on a field trip today,
  • 01:01 though, so I'm so excited.
  • 01:03 Joshua: You should be so excited, you're usually the
  • 01:04 one that forces me into places I don't wanna go
  • 01:06 to talk about abominations I don't wanna talk about,
  • 01:08 but today, I'm in control, and I'm gonna talk about something
  • 01:11 that everybody loves to talk about.
  • 01:13 Caleb: What are we talking about?
  • 01:14 Joshua: I'm glad you asked, brother.
  • 01:15 I'm sure all of you have heard of a little-known figure in the
  • 01:17 Bible known as Judas Iscariot.
  • 01:19 That man's a guy we know about,
  • 01:21 but have you heard about, read about,
  • 01:23 or even seen the Judas goat?
  • 01:27 Ladies and gentlemen, I take you on a destination that is tapered
  • 01:31 after Caleb's specific desires, the locations that he prefers.
  • 01:36 Today, we're gonna go learn who the Judas goat is and what
  • 01:39 impact he has on our lives.
  • 01:44 Joshua: Come on, brother.
  • 01:46 Caleb: Seriously, Josh?
  • 01:47 Why do you always equate surprises
  • 01:49 with being blindfolded?
  • 01:51 Joshua: Because, it's a surprise, that's what we do.
  • 01:55 Caleb: This isn't third grade anymore.
  • 01:57 I don't smell any piñatas, but, oh, that smells funky.
  • 02:02 Did you remember a shower this morning, Josh?
  • 02:04 Joshua: I think so.
  • 02:06 Caleb: What are we doing here?
  • 02:08 Joshua: Ta-da.
  • 02:09 Caleb: Oh no.
  • 02:11 ♪♪♪
  • 02:21 ♪♪♪
  • 02:22 Joshua: Well? Huh?
  • 02:24 Caleb: Josh, you know I don't like country stuff.
  • 02:27 I mean, I miss the East Coast, we had four literal seasons,
  • 02:31 we had seafood, we had beaches and
  • 02:33 mountains, now this.
  • 02:35 Joshua: Brother, let me stop you right here.
  • 02:36 This is Texas.
  • 02:38 First of all, this is known as pre-summer,
  • 02:40 yesterday was 95 degrees, and today it's 38 degrees and bone
  • 02:43 chilling, that's what Texas has to offer.
  • 02:45 Plus, you can get seafood at Red Lobster, I'm a
  • 02:47 card-carrying member, and.
  • 02:49 Caleb: Red Lobster?
  • 02:51 Josh, Red Lobster is the McDonald's of seafood.
  • 02:53 Joshua: Maybe yeah, but you don't gotta be so judgy,
  • 02:56 it's gonna be okay.
  • 02:57 Caleb: I apologize in advance for the most yee-haw,
  • 03:00 ride-em cowboy, cringe-worthy hillbilly fest you've ever seen.
  • 03:05 Joshua: Now, as you often do.
  • 03:07 I decided that, today, I would like to present a message from
  • 03:10 God in a timely fashion, about his people, Israel.
  • 03:13 Caleb: You're gonna teach about Israel in
  • 03:15 the stockyards, in Fort Worth?
  • 03:17 Joshua: Yes, I am. Caleb: All right, go for it.
  • 03:19 Joshua: It all began with Baphomet.
  • 03:23 Caleb: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, you cannot
  • 03:25 begin an episode teaching about the demon, Satan,
  • 03:28 goatman-hybrid, Baphomet.
  • 03:31 Joshua: Okay, that makes sense.
  • 03:32 All right, it all began in 1893.
  • 03:38 Caleb: I can't win this one.
  • 03:40 Joshua: What? Caleb: No, go ahead, go.
  • 03:41 Joshua: The year was 1893, Greenleif Simpson decided to
  • 03:45 purchase the Union Stockyard Company for $133,333 and change
  • 03:50 the name to the Fort Worth Stockyard Company.
  • 03:54 At this point, he decided, "You know what?
  • 03:57 Trying to ship our meat off to other places to be processed
  • 04:00 doesn't make a lot of fiscal sense, we need a meatpacking
  • 04:03 factory here so that we can draw more business in this area."
  • 04:08 So, he decides to bring other companies in, he convinces
  • 04:11 Armour Company and Swift Company to build here.
  • 04:13 They flip a coin to see who's gonna get which plot of land.
  • 04:16 Armour Company wins and gets the northern plot right over
  • 04:19 here, and in 1902, they begin construction for what will
  • 04:23 become one of the largest hog and sheep
  • 04:26 processing centers in America.
  • 04:28 It was also known as the "Wall Street of the West."
  • 04:32 Brother, it's time to go on an epic,
  • 04:35 historic journey of goat-like proportions.
  • 04:39 I had to do it. Come on, let's go.
  • 04:40 Caleb: We have to.
  • 04:42 ♪♪♪
  • 04:52 Joshua: You see this tunnel right here?
  • 04:54 This tunnel was used to traffic sheep and goats.
  • 04:58 "Why would they need to bring sheep and goats
  • 04:59 underground," you may ask.
  • 05:01 Because if you're taking these animals above ground,
  • 05:03 you're gonna have traffic jams, it's gonna be ridiculous.
  • 05:06 This dates back to 1903, they could shuttle up to 10,000
  • 05:10 animals a day on these concrete-lined tunnels.
  • 05:13 They have terra cotta tiles, they're beautiful.
  • 05:15 Now, they would take these animals north to the Armour
  • 05:17 plant or south to the Swift plant for processing and
  • 05:19 slaughtering, but who would lead the way on this journey?
  • 05:23 A goat, not just any goat, but a goat by the name
  • 05:26 of the Judas goat.
  • 05:29 Caleb: Oh, now you've piqued my interest.
  • 05:32 Joshua: As I should, brother. Caleb: Tell me more.
  • 05:34 Joshua: As I should. To the Judas.
  • 05:36 ♪♪♪
  • 05:45 Joshua: Now, I know what you're thinking,
  • 05:47 how could God's beautiful, loving creation known as "goat"
  • 05:51 be used in any insidious manner, right, brother?
  • 05:54 Caleb: Well, you said, like, "Judas goat," 37 times,
  • 05:56 but really, what is it?
  • 05:58 Joshua: Look, Judas goats were used to herd animals,
  • 06:01 specifically sheep, from one location to another.
  • 06:05 Caleb: Okay, so, still not very Judas-y yet.
  • 06:07 Joshua: Glad you said that, brother.
  • 06:08 Here's the deal, cows, pigs, they could be led by humans,
  • 06:13 they could be led by dogs and other animals.
  • 06:15 But, you see, sheep, their own instinct led
  • 06:18 them in circles, right?
  • 06:19 They would sit there and just follow
  • 06:21 one another, go like this.
  • 06:22 Caleb: Oh yeah, I can confirm, that's exactly
  • 06:24 what they are, stupid.
  • 06:27 Joshua: Or, if you try to lead them with a dog,
  • 06:29 they might get spooked and break a
  • 06:30 leg and hit a chute or something like that.
  • 06:32 It wasn't efficient, they had to figure out how to efficiently
  • 06:34 get these sheep from one spot to another,
  • 06:37 and they found that they could do so with a goat.
  • 06:40 Caleb: So a goat herded the sheep,
  • 06:43 but how is he Judas, and how is this Jewish at all?
  • 06:46 I mean, honestly, Josh.
  • 06:48 Joshua: My brother's always a little bit skeptical.
  • 06:49 So, here's the deal, they would train a goat named a Judas goat,
  • 06:53 they would put a bell around its neck, okay?
  • 06:56 Now, this goat was trained to bring them
  • 06:58 to the top of a slaughterhouse.
  • 07:00 A slaughterhouse had many levels,
  • 07:02 but the killing floor was on the very top.
  • 07:04 And so, as you can see around the stockyards,
  • 07:07 it could have been a very precarious journey to get these
  • 07:09 sheep through all these little pathways.
  • 07:11 Well, this goat was trained to do so,
  • 07:13 and so he would walk with this little bell,
  • 07:15 jingling, jingling, and if all of a sudden the sheep stopped,
  • 07:17 he'd go, "Bleat," and they would follow him up to the top.
  • 07:20 And when they got to the top, he would walk through the door.
  • 07:23 Safely on the other side, all of those sheep would go and
  • 07:26 immediately be killed one after another,
  • 07:29 and he would receive his payment for doing so,
  • 07:31 a single unfiltered cigarette.
  • 07:35 He would immediately devour his cancer stick and run back to the
  • 07:39 start to grab his new group of sheep, because that guy was
  • 07:43 addicted to nicotine, and his entire life evolved to leading
  • 07:47 these sheep to the slaughter.
  • 07:49 Caleb: Get thee behind me, Satan.
  • 07:51 Joshua: Judas goat.
  • 07:53 ♪♪♪
  • 08:01 Caleb: A sheep have always needed a shepherd,
  • 08:04 do a big research dive into sheep and you'll figure out that
  • 08:08 when they don't have a shepherd, bad things happen.
  • 08:11 I mean, sheep are dumb, really dumb,
  • 08:14 they just don't need A shepherd, they need THE shepherd.
  • 08:17 Matthew 9:36 says, "When he saw the crowds,
  • 08:22 he had compassion on them because they were confused and
  • 08:25 helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."
  • 08:28 Psalm 23:1-3 says, "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.
  • 08:33 He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
  • 08:35 He leads me beside the still waters.
  • 08:37 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness
  • 08:41 For His name's sake."
  • 08:42 Psalm 100, verse 3, "Know that the LORD, He is God!
  • 08:47 It is He who made us, and we are His;
  • 08:50 we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture."
  • 08:53 Joshua: Now, I'm gonna be honest with you,
  • 08:55 I'm not exactly the livestock expert that I appear to be with
  • 08:58 all of this amazing information I possess.
  • 09:00 In fact, I had never even heard of the Judas goat until I took
  • 09:03 my daughter here on a class field trip and they
  • 09:06 explained everything to me.
  • 09:07 At first, I thought it was hilarious, the idea of a
  • 09:10 nicotine-addicted goat pipe-piping all the sheep to
  • 09:12 certain doom while they just followed along
  • 09:14 like fluffy little animals.
  • 09:16 But then I began to think, I was like,
  • 09:18 "Wait a minute, Josh, the Bible explains us as sheep quite
  • 09:22 often, and they told me that sheep will blindly follow a
  • 09:26 leader, even unto death."
  • 09:28 So I had to ask myself, "As a sheep,
  • 09:32 am I following the Good Shepherd or a smoking goat?"
  • 09:35 That was a little more sobering for me.
  • 09:37 Now, I know everybody thinks that goats and sheep are just
  • 09:39 terribly stupid animals that just roam around hitting their
  • 09:42 heads into walls, but they're actually more than that.
  • 09:44 A goat is very different than a sheep,
  • 09:46 a goat is motivated by the next morsel of food he's going to
  • 09:50 get, that's all he thinks about.
  • 09:51 That's why man has been able to train Judas goats,
  • 09:54 they give him the next morsel, and he does
  • 09:56 anything to get to it.
  • 09:57 Sheep are different, they're community driven,
  • 10:00 they go and flock towards things together,
  • 10:03 they have no natural defense on their own,
  • 10:05 other than for them to band together in big fluffy piles so
  • 10:07 that they're protected, or so they think, from their enemies.
  • 10:10 They have strong family bonds, the group that they're with,
  • 10:14 their maternal group, they will go with them forever.
  • 10:16 Sheep actually have a very good vision, too, they have
  • 10:18 a much wider view with their pupils than humans do.
  • 10:21 But the problem is, they have poor depth perception,
  • 10:25 or you could say it another way, they have poor perspective.
  • 10:28 Caleb: It's really crazy because the instinct of the sheep is
  • 10:31 just driven to follow a leader.
  • 10:34 Now, they will follow any other sheep in any direction,
  • 10:37 and if that sheep is leading them to certain doom,
  • 10:39 they will all go off the cliff together.
  • 10:41 That is why it's so important that we know that we're
  • 10:44 following a good shepherd and not a Judas goat.
  • 10:48 And you may be thinking to yourselves,
  • 10:49 "I know my pastor, I know my church, I'm following
  • 10:52 the best shepherd," but do you really know?
  • 10:55 Are you being led off into certain doom,
  • 10:57 to the slaughterhouse?
  • 10:59 Isaiah 53 gives us amazing poetic imagery of Messiah
  • 11:04 Yeshua, but then you get to verse 6,
  • 11:07 and it says, "All we like sheep have gone astray;
  • 11:11 we have turned--every one--to his own way;
  • 11:14 and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all."
  • 11:18 Guys, on our own, we have all sinned, every single one of us,
  • 11:21 there's not a single person who has not made a mistake.
  • 11:24 ♪♪♪
  • 11:28 Joshua: You can have all the best intention, just like sheep,
  • 11:32 you can have a strong family, you can flock together,
  • 11:34 you can have good sight, good hearing, but that doesn't
  • 11:37 mean that you aren't easily deceived, just like sheep
  • 11:40 are, they'll flock together right off a cliff.
  • 11:43 Guys, during the Holocaust, the Jews greatly outnumbered their
  • 11:46 captors in the camps, there was far more Jews than there were
  • 11:49 Germans, but the fear, the fear of what might happen to them,
  • 11:54 prevented them from banding together, from rising together.
  • 11:57 And because of that, they were led one by one to slaughter on a
  • 12:00 daily basis, until millions upon millions had been killed.
  • 12:04 The outcome could have been different, the casualties could
  • 12:06 have been less, we won't know, because they
  • 12:08 followed down that path.
  • 12:10 You say, "Josh, why are you trying so hard to link together
  • 12:13 a age-old practice of how to herd sheep,
  • 12:17 into something biblical today?"
  • 12:19 First of all, it's not age old.
  • 12:20 Did you know that, today, the Judas goat is still being
  • 12:23 utilized, but in a different manner.
  • 12:26 Instead of the Judas goat leaning sheep to the slaughter,
  • 12:28 now a Judas goat is trained, a radio transmitter is put around
  • 12:32 his neck, and he is now dropped by helicopter onto a field to go
  • 12:36 seek out feral goats.
  • 12:38 When he gets in the group of goats,
  • 12:40 a helicopter will fly over, and they'll shoot all the other
  • 12:42 goats dead, pick up the Judas goat,
  • 12:45 and bring him to the next pile.
  • 12:47 Now, think about that.
  • 12:48 At first, the Judas goat was utilized to take out the sheep,
  • 12:52 but now he's being used against his own kind.
  • 12:55 When we look at the parable of the sheep and the goats,
  • 12:57 the differentiation between sheep and goats wasn't about
  • 12:59 species, it was about who decided to despise the Lord,
  • 13:04 who decided to love him and choose him.
  • 13:07 Nowadays, the enemy doesn't just use our enemies to deceive us,
  • 13:13 he uses our brothers and sisters.
  • 13:15 He will use anyone, he'll use your pastor,
  • 13:18 he'll use your family, he gives us false doctrine in our own
  • 13:21 churches, idolatry amongst our own believers.
  • 13:25 It is so easy today to follow into deception and to be led off
  • 13:29 a cliff by the ones that we're supposed to be able to trust.
  • 13:34 That's why you have to know who it is you're following,
  • 13:37 who you've committed your life to.
  • 13:39 2 Timothy says, "For the time will come when they will not
  • 13:43 endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires,
  • 13:46 because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves
  • 13:49 teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth,
  • 13:52 and be turned aside to fables."
  • 14:00 Caleb: You know, guys, that which is carnal is always more
  • 14:03 palpable than that which is spiritual,
  • 14:05 mankind is forever led astray by the lust of the flesh,
  • 14:08 the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
  • 14:11 The flesh is that old sin nature from the first Adam,
  • 14:15 and its insatiable desires can never be quenched,
  • 14:18 that's why Satan uses the goats to feed the flesh,
  • 14:22 to draw you away from God, to glorify self,
  • 14:26 to focus on self, to feed self, but he does so slowly
  • 14:30 and deceptively over time.
  • 14:31 Joshua: "Live your best life, come on, guys, focus on
  • 14:34 yourself," ask God for what you need, you know, always ask him
  • 14:38 to improve your life, always asking him what he can do
  • 14:42 for you, but never pursuing him.
  • 14:44 Have you noticed that's the doctrine of the day?
  • 14:47 "Me, me, me, what God can do for me," never wanting to know him
  • 14:50 more, putting him more in your life, putting him at
  • 14:53 the forefront, asking him what he would have you do.
  • 14:59 Caleb: Matthew 7:15-20, "Beware of false prophets,
  • 15:03 who come to you in sheep's clothing,
  • 15:05 but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
  • 15:07 You will know them by their fruits.
  • 15:10 Do men gather grapes from thornbushes
  • 15:12 or figs from thistles?
  • 15:13 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit,
  • 15:16 but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
  • 15:19 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit,
  • 15:21 nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
  • 15:24 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down
  • 15:26 and thrown into the fire.
  • 15:28 Therefore by their fruits you will know them."
  • 15:33 Guys, God made a way for us to discern between those fake Judas
  • 15:38 goats and the good shepherds, the goats don't bear any fruit,
  • 15:43 nothing real and tangible and spiritual that you can take with
  • 15:46 you into eternity, all they have to offer you is the temporary
  • 15:50 pleasures, the temporary happiness,
  • 15:54 but not the eternal joy.
  • 15:56 You will know them by their fruits.
  • 15:59 Joshua: Guys, remember, Satan can't come up with anything new,
  • 16:02 he's terrible at it, he keeps rebranding and remarketing the
  • 16:06 same old plans and the same old lies and the same old deceptions
  • 16:09 that he always has.
  • 16:10 So it is so important that you don't get caught up by the shiny
  • 16:14 exterior, by the little bell around the neck of whatever is
  • 16:17 trying to lead you astray, but that you keep your eyes fixed
  • 16:21 on the Good Shepherd.
  • 16:22 Caleb: That's right, Acts 20:28-30 says, "Therefore
  • 16:26 take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which
  • 16:30 the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the
  • 16:34 church of God which He purchased with His own blood.
  • 16:37 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will
  • 16:41 come in among you, not sparing the flock.
  • 16:43 Also from among yourselves men will rise up,
  • 16:45 speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples."
  • 16:49 Joshua: Make no mistake about it,
  • 16:51 today, each and every one of us stands at a crossroad,
  • 16:54 you will either continue to follow down this path,
  • 16:57 chasing the Judas goat to the slaughterhouse,
  • 17:00 or you will turn from the path that you've been on and you will
  • 17:03 head towards the Good Shepherd.
  • 17:05 Only you can decide.
  • 17:07 ♪♪♪
  • 17:12 Caleb: Wait, does this mean we're going to the Judas goat?
  • 17:15 Oh man, this is not the right way.
  • 17:17 I just gave a speech, we're supposed to be going good.
  • 17:21 Joshua: John 10:11-15 says, "I am the good shepherd.
  • 17:24 The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
  • 17:27 He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd,
  • 17:30 who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the
  • 17:33 sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them.
  • 17:36 He flees because he's a hired hand and cares
  • 17:38 nothing for the sheep.
  • 17:40 I am the good shepherd.
  • 17:42 I know My own and My own know Me,
  • 17:44 just as the Father knows Me, I know the Father;
  • 17:47 and I lay down My life for the sheep."
  • 17:50 Kirsten Hart: Josh, I love the fact that you were on a field
  • 17:54 trip, which is wonderful that you even went on a field trip,
  • 17:58 with your daughter to the stockyards to get
  • 18:01 inspired for today's program.
  • 18:03 The both of you, and I should get points for this,
  • 18:06 look so incredibly young that people wouldn't even think that
  • 18:11 both of you are fathers, and it's just kind of neat to know
  • 18:15 that you guys are dads and field trips are part of your normal
  • 18:18 life in addition to everything that you do with the program.
  • 18:22 Joshua: I think that most people are terrified of the idea of me
  • 18:24 being in charge of other humans, but that's okay,
  • 18:27 they were given to me by God, so he must think I'm A-OK.
  • 18:30 I love it, you know, I'm always trying to listen to what God
  • 18:33 wants to show me in a situation, and I don't think that it's
  • 18:36 ever necessarily in the ways we expect.
  • 18:39 So, when you get in that moment, whether you're on a field trip
  • 18:41 or here or there, and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit starts
  • 18:43 speaking to you, that's the time to listen.
  • 18:45 I mean, Yeshua was always using object lessons,
  • 18:48 and I thought this was such a great lesson,
  • 18:50 when I was sitting there in that field trip,
  • 18:52 I thought it had to be--it had to be told.
  • 18:54 David: I could even smell what it was like when you were there.
  • 18:56 Joshua: It was so bad.
  • 18:58 Caleb: It wasn't my favorite place to go,
  • 19:00 but the message, I feel, is so important today.
  • 19:03 It says in 1 John 4:1-3, "Beloved, do not believe every
  • 19:08 spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God;
  • 19:11 because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
  • 19:14 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses
  • 19:17 that Jesus Christ is come to flesh is of God,
  • 19:19 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ is
  • 19:22 come to flesh is not of God."
  • 19:24 Satan is out to deceive us, guys.
  • 19:26 I believe there are counterfeits in the church,
  • 19:29 there are Judas goats in the church,
  • 19:30 there are Jezebels, there's Ahabs,
  • 19:32 there's false prophets, false teachers, witches, warlocks.
  • 19:36 We have heard from people who've come out of the occult that says
  • 19:38 it was their job, their duty to pretend to be ministers and to
  • 19:43 sit in the church pews for the long haul until they gained
  • 19:46 positions of power, and to twist doctrine to lead people astray.
  • 19:50 And it's taught about scripturally in the past,
  • 19:53 and it's here today, even in our churches.
  • 19:55 Kirsten: What's kind of crazy is, in the stockyard scenario,
  • 20:01 it only took one goat, one, to lead so many astray, and
  • 20:08 it can take one powerful person to lead so many
  • 20:12 in the church astray also.
  • 20:14 And the parallels are unbelievable, I'm thankful that
  • 20:18 you saw that on a field trip, but it speaks powerfully.
  • 20:22 David: It really does.
  • 20:24 Joshua: I think one of the terrifying ideas about how that
  • 20:26 goat is able to lead all of those sheep seamlessly is that
  • 20:30 the sheep don't want disruption.
  • 20:32 So, when you learn about the sheep,
  • 20:33 they couldn't use a dog because a dog's bark or his sudden
  • 20:36 movements would spook them, a person could do the same thing.
  • 20:40 But this goat had this simple manner, how he just easily led
  • 20:43 them in their own complacency, to their own demise.
  • 20:46 And this is what's so scary about counterfeit movements and
  • 20:49 ideas, is that we get lazy, we get lazy and we do not put our
  • 20:53 focus on the real thing.
  • 20:55 If you're trying to decipher counterfeit money,
  • 20:58 for instance, you're trained by studying real money,
  • 21:02 you have to touch it, feel it, maybe not taste it,
  • 21:04 but you have to be in its presence enough.
  • 21:06 Because there are so many counterfeits, if you know the
  • 21:09 real one, everything else is decipherable as a counterfeit.
  • 21:12 But we live in a society today that is so lazy,
  • 21:15 so self-focused, so wants to just go with the flow that
  • 21:19 nobody wants to rise up for the truth.
  • 21:22 And the problem is, they don't know the truth because they
  • 21:24 don't know Yeshua any longer.
  • 21:27 It is each and every one of our's responsibility to put
  • 21:29 our focus on him, to open that book,
  • 21:32 to learn him and to forge a relationship,
  • 21:35 so that if a goat with a bell around his neck chewing on a
  • 21:38 cigarette shows up and says, "Come over here," we're like,
  • 21:40 "No, dude, I know exactly what Judas you are and I'm not gonna
  • 21:43 follow you into a slaughterhouse."
  • 21:45 That is our responsibility.
  • 21:48 Kirsten: Can I just say, that was a really
  • 21:49 good goat imitation?
  • 21:52 That was good, and there's so much meaty stuff to take away,
  • 21:56 and I'm almost embarrassed to admit that my mental takeaway is
  • 22:01 that I think about this one goat wanting a cigarette.
  • 22:04 I mean, that's just crazy.
  • 22:06 But if one sheep had said, "I don't think this is a good
  • 22:11 idea," and it turned to all the others,
  • 22:13 it would have saved their lives.
  • 22:15 Joshua: That's right. Caleb: Amen.
  • 22:16 Kirsten: Yeah.
  • 22:17 David: Good teaching, today, guys.
  • 22:19 Joshua: All right, we'll be back after this.
  • 22:22 ♪ We live on forever, ♪
  • 22:25 ♪ forever, forever, ♪
  • 22:27 ♪ We live on forever, ♪
  • 22:30 ♪ forever, forever. ♪♪
  • 22:33 Caleb: Spinning.
  • 22:35 Joshua: Sand spinning.
  • 22:36 Caleb: Hello, everybody, I'm Caleb.
  • 22:38 Joshua: Hello, everybody, I'm Caleb.
  • 22:40 Caleb: Josh, why are you dressed like that?
  • 22:42 Joshua: Caleb, why are you dressed like that?
  • 22:45 Caleb: What do you mean? I'm Caleb.
  • 22:46 Joshua: I mean, I'm Caleb.
  • 22:47 Caleb: Why are you copying me? Joshua: Why are you copying me?
  • 22:49 Caleb: This is very juvenile, Josh.
  • 22:51 Joshua: It's very juvenile of you, Caleb.
  • 22:52 Caleb: What are we, kids again? Joshua: What are we, kids again?
  • 22:55 Caleb: I can't believe you're doing this.
  • 22:56 Joshua: I can't believe you're doing this.
  • 22:58 Caleb: People are waiting for us, Josh.
  • 22:59 Joshua: People are waiting for us, Caleb.
  • 23:01 Caleb: I got an idea. Joshua: I've got an idea.
  • 23:05 Caleb: I love my wonderful Android phone.
  • 23:09 Joshua: Urgh, ugh, I love my Apple phone.
  • 23:13 Oh, I'm so sorry.
  • 23:15 I'm so sorry, iPhone 14 Pro Max,
  • 23:17 1 TB Edition, Deep Purple, I'm so sorry,
  • 23:20 I couldn't do it to you.
  • 23:22 Caleb: All right, guys, last week, we spoke about the
  • 23:24 Pinnacle counterfeit to the Jewish people,
  • 23:27 "The False Prophet."
  • 23:28 And this week, we're gonna talk about counterfeits in the
  • 23:31 church, because don't think for a second that we are exempt from
  • 23:34 Satan's deception or plans.
  • 23:36 And the sad thing is, many Christians will fall for it,
  • 23:39 hook, line, and sinker.
  • 23:40 In fact, Paul was greatly concerned about the church in
  • 23:44 Corinth being caught into the counterfeit
  • 23:45 situation, he said so.
  • 23:47 Joshua: 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 says, "But I am afraid that
  • 23:51 just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your
  • 23:54 minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere
  • 23:57 and pure devotion to Christ.
  • 23:58 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus,
  • 24:01 other than the Jesus we preached,
  • 24:03 or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you
  • 24:06 received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted,
  • 24:09 you put up with it easily enough.
  • 24:12 Caleb: Ooh, burn. Joshua: Goodness gracious.
  • 24:14 Caleb: I just, ew, that's harsh, guys.
  • 24:17 Does it ring any bells with the church today, either, you
  • 24:21 know, putting up with apostasy or accepting it?
  • 24:24 I find it interesting what Paul said there,
  • 24:26 he said accepting a different Jesus than the one we preach.
  • 24:30 What, there's two Jesus's?
  • 24:31 Joshua: That doesn't even make sense.
  • 24:32 Caleb: There's more than one Jesus in this world?
  • 24:34 And we'll get into that.
  • 24:36 First, we gotta talk about 1 John 4:1-3.
  • 24:39 Joshua: "Beloved, do not believe every spirit,
  • 24:41 but test the spirit, whether they are God;
  • 24:44 because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
  • 24:47 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses
  • 24:50 that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God,
  • 24:54 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has
  • 24:56 come in the flesh is not of God."
  • 24:59 Caleb: So I wish it were as cut and dry as that sometimes,
  • 25:02 "Come on, guys, say, 'Jesus is Lord,'" and you try to
  • 25:05 trip some false prophet up.
  • 25:06 Joshua: You can do it.
  • 25:08 Caleb: But it doesn't happen that way sometimes.
  • 25:09 As Paul says, that some people could preach in the name of
  • 25:12 Jesus, they're giving you some doctrine,
  • 25:14 but they are intending a different Jesus in their mind,
  • 25:16 just like there's lots of people named Jesus,
  • 25:18 today, lots of Jesús is going around.
  • 25:20 Joshua: I mean, Jesus still lives over by my house.
  • 25:22 Caleb: Exactly, so that's a common name,
  • 25:24 and when people like witches and false prophets and apostles,
  • 25:28 they go into the church, they have no problem preaching to you
  • 25:30 in the name of Jesus, 'cause there's a different Jesus that
  • 25:32 they're giving the gospel to.
  • 25:34 Joshua: Our resources this week, "Glory,
  • 25:36 The Future of the Believers."
  • 25:38 In this booklet, Zola Levitt explains the coming Rapture,
  • 25:41 of our time in heaven, the kingdom on earth, and eternity.
  • 25:46 When you contact us, ask for our free monthly newsletter,
  • 25:49 the "Levitt Letter," which is full of insightful articles
  • 25:52 and news commentary.
  • 25:54 Call 1-800-WONDERS, or visit us at
  • 26:00 David: I don't know about you all watching today,
  • 26:01 but I think, it would be you also,
  • 26:04 we learned something really new today
  • 26:07 that we've never heard before about the Judas goat.
  • 26:10 Good teaching, today, guys.
  • 26:11 Kirsten: Yes, thank you.
  • 26:13 Caleb: I think it's very applicable to our lives today.
  • 26:16 Just to sum it all up, the most important thing,
  • 26:18 guys, is to get to know the authentic so you can discern the
  • 26:22 counterfeit, know the authentic Savior.
  • 26:25 The only way you can know the Savior is by praying,
  • 26:27 is by speaking to him daily, by reading his Word,
  • 26:30 getting to know his thoughts.
  • 26:31 And then you won't be deceived when the counterfeit comes,
  • 26:34 because you'll know the voice of the Good Shepherd.
  • 26:37 Kirsten: Can I also say, the two of you are very authentic?
  • 26:41 We feel that through the camera, we know that you both,
  • 26:45 and you're cute, you both speak from your heart and we want to
  • 26:49 continue producing more of these programs.
  • 26:52 You both are so creative and I know you have,
  • 26:56 like, oodles, more topics to teach all of us.
  • 27:00 And for you watching, today, that can only happen because of
  • 27:04 viewer support, that's how we stay on the air.
  • 27:08 So if you are a regular person that contributes
  • 27:11 to this ministry, thank you.
  • 27:13 If you have never done so, we would love for you to start to
  • 27:17 join with us to get the "Jewish Roots" history and story out to
  • 27:23 the world from an incredible biblical perspective.
  • 27:27 The two of you have gone above and beyond on this program,
  • 27:30 thank you so much for what you've brought.
  • 27:32 David: Time to go, guys.
  • 27:33 Caleb: That's right, don't forget to pray,
  • 27:36 "Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim."
  • 27:39 Kirsten: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:43 David: Visit our website,,
  • 27:45 for tour information, broadcast schedule,
  • 27:48 free monthly newsletter, and online store.
  • 27:51 Call us any time at 1-800-WONDERS,
  • 27:54 and ask about this week's resource.
  • 27:57 "Our Jewish Roots" is a presentation
  • 27:59 of Zola Levitt Ministries.
  • 28:01 Partner with us, as a 100% viewer-funded ministry,
  • 28:04 your gifts allow us to bring you our weekly television series,
  • 28:08 social media outlets, website,
  • 28:11 and other ministry endeavors.
  • 28:12 Please remember, we depend on tax-deductible donations
  • 28:16 from viewers like you.
  • 28:18 ♪♪♪
  • 28:25 male announcer: This has been a paid program brought to you
  • 28:27 by Zola Levitt Ministries.

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