The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Chaim Malespin”
During our most recent trip to Israel, Joshua and Caleb were able to speak with Chaim Malespin immediately before he returned to the conflict with Gaza, as well as two young IDF soldiers.

Caption transcript for “Chaim Malespin”

  • 00:11 ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
  • 00:15 David Hart: Thank you so much for joining us today.
  • 00:16 As you can see, we're not on our typical set, but hi guys, we're
  • 00:20 glad you're with us today.
  • 00:21 You're just back from Israel, yes?
  • 00:24 Caleb Colson: Man, what a trip that was.
  • 00:26 And we have filmed so many important interviews at such a
  • 00:31 timely moment in history, when Israel is at war with her
  • 00:34 enemies, and the whole world is decrying Israel and the IDF as
  • 00:38 being these barbarians, these-- committing genocide,
  • 00:43 and all these terrible things.
  • 00:44 But we want to tell you the truth of what's going on.
  • 00:46 Joshua Colson: And it's easy to tell the truth when you go to
  • 00:48 the source, so we are gonna go to the source of some amazing
  • 00:50 interviews that you're about to watch to hear directly from
  • 00:52 those people on what's happening.
  • 00:56 Caleb: Today we travel to the modern megacity
  • 00:59 of Tel Aviv, Israel.
  • 01:00 Even with a population of nearly 4.5 million, the thoughts of the
  • 01:05 war with Hamas is still on everyone's mind.
  • 01:08 Fortunately, we are being afforded the rare opportunity of
  • 01:12 meeting at a local IDF base to speak with their spokesman.
  • 01:16 As our crew busily prepares us for our interviews, we meet our
  • 01:19 contact, Noam, with the IDF Public Diplomacy Office.
  • 01:24 Coincidentally, our arrival today just so happens to occur
  • 01:28 on Yom HaShoah, Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day.
  • 01:33 Noam leads us to the bomb shelter where we will conduct
  • 01:37 our interview.
  • 01:38 ♪♪♪
  • 01:43 Joshua: Now, this may seem like a normal conference room to you,
  • 01:46 but I assure you, this is not someplace you're forced to have
  • 01:49 a meeting or a Zoom call in.
  • 01:51 This is a very specific, very protected room that we're in
  • 01:54 right now.
  • 01:56 In fact, if anything were to happen on the surface, we would
  • 01:58 be safe and probably not even know it happened.
  • 02:00 Caleb, what's going on today?
  • 02:02 Caleb: We're at a IDF base.
  • 02:05 We contacted the FIDF.
  • 02:07 Joshua: These are the spokespeople for the IDF that
  • 02:09 handle that information.
  • 02:11 Caleb: So, we came to interview people, and today is Yom
  • 02:13 HaShoah, this is the Holocaust Remembrance Day.
  • 02:16 And in exactly five minutes the sirens are gonna sound outside,
  • 02:22 and the entire country comes to a standstill.
  • 02:24 Everybody's quiet for two minutes in remembrance of the
  • 02:27 6.5 million Jews that were lost, and we thought we were gonna be
  • 02:30 able to get outside to witness this event, but we are now
  • 02:34 locked inside because we had done the interview.
  • 02:36 You're asked, why can't you go in and outside?
  • 02:38 Because of security.
  • 02:39 This is how stringent they have to be to protect themselves.
  • 02:44 That's what they're worried about, because you don't know
  • 02:47 the coming in and out, the security, and they need to make
  • 02:49 sure that their soldiers are safe during this time of silence
  • 02:53 and remembrance so that they can honor their ancestors who died
  • 02:58 during the Holocaust.
  • 02:59 [sirens wailing]
  • 03:04 male: On your feet, gentlemen.
  • 03:07 Joshua: We can actually hear the sound down here.
  • 03:09 We thought maybe we couldn't.
  • 03:11 [sirens wailing]
  • 03:21 [sirens wailing]
  • 03:29 ♪♪♪
  • 03:39 ♪♪♪
  • 03:49 ♪♪♪
  • 03:59 Israel Hanna: Father God, as we stand here, we ask you to bless
  • 04:02 the nation of Israel and its people.
  • 04:04 Draw them closer to you than they ever would imagine.
  • 04:08 Pour out your Spirit upon this nation and its people and give
  • 04:12 them victory over their enemies.
  • 04:14 May our country in the United States of America never ever
  • 04:17 forsake her, but always draw closer, closer to her, and
  • 04:21 support her in the days ahead.
  • 04:23 We thank you for this moment of time and for being here together
  • 04:27 with the IDF soldiers in this land of Israel.
  • 04:34 Caleb: Hello, we are here with Dasha, a lone soldier in
  • 04:37 the IDF.
  • 04:38 How are you doing today?
  • 04:40 Dasha: I'm good, thank you so much.
  • 04:41 Caleb: So, explain to our audience what is a lone soldier?
  • 04:43 What is your rank?
  • 04:45 What do you do?
  • 04:46 Dasha: I am a soldier in the IDF Spokesperson Unit, and more
  • 04:49 specifically in the IDF Public Diplomacy Office.
  • 04:52 And in the IDF spokesperson unit in general, we take care of
  • 04:58 communications and how we present the IDF to the media.
  • 05:03 And in the public diplomacy office, more to do with
  • 05:07 diplomatic relations with other countries.
  • 05:10 Joshua: I can only imagine that in diplomatic relations,
  • 05:12 obviously, since October 7 you've been very busy.
  • 05:15 We know that that's changed a lot of the course of what
  • 05:18 everybody was doing before that date.
  • 05:20 For you specifically, with that happening, what was your plan
  • 05:24 kind of before October 7 veered your path?
  • 05:27 Dasha: Well, for me specifically, I'm currently in
  • 05:31 the course Nativ, which is a course that-- where you convert
  • 05:35 to Judaism, and on the 8th of October I was supposed to
  • 05:38 start it.
  • 05:39 So, as far as it goes personally, I was-- I-- the
  • 05:43 plans completely changed and the course was postponed.
  • 05:46 But as for the work in the idea of Public Diplomacy Office,
  • 05:52 there was a lot more of it, and nothing changed really
  • 05:57 drastically, just there was just more work.
  • 06:00 And we did our best, and--
  • 06:04 Caleb: What made you wanna come to Israel?
  • 06:06 You weren't born in Israel, you're a lone soldier, explain
  • 06:09 what that means and why you wanted to come here.
  • 06:12 Dasha: I was born in Russia, grew up in Thailand, but I did
  • 06:17 live here for two years with my parents, and I got a taste of
  • 06:22 what the Israeli culture is like.
  • 06:24 And I guess I fell in love, and I wanted to come back, and I
  • 06:29 knew that being a soldier is a big part of the Israeli culture
  • 06:34 and being Israeli, and I didn't want to miss out on that.
  • 06:38 It was important for me personally.
  • 06:40 Joshua: That's an incredible perspective.
  • 06:42 You wanted to be part of the culture, and that's why
  • 06:44 you joined.
  • 06:46 And it's an interesting time too, because obviously Israel
  • 06:49 has gone through many different conflicts and wars since 1948.
  • 06:54 What, for your generation, has this meant?
  • 06:57 We've heard that in America it was the 9/11 for Israel.
  • 07:01 What was-- what were you feeling, as new to the country,
  • 07:05 new to Judaism, now this happens?
  • 07:09 Dasha: It was definitely very scary and shocking at first,
  • 07:13 because I came from a country where sirens aren't a thing, and
  • 07:20 Israel is in itself a small country, and the army is a
  • 07:25 smaller country in a small country.
  • 07:28 So, it's definitely-- it affects-- I have no doubt that
  • 07:32 it affected everybody personally, and person knowing
  • 07:34 my friends, even who-- the friends who have not-- who
  • 07:39 aren't combat soldiers, it's still is a big shock.
  • 07:43 And it's still every day, it's-- it hasn't changed.
  • 07:48 And we-- there's no pill that we're given to believe that
  • 07:57 everything will be okay.
  • 07:59 We are the people that have to make it be okay, and it's tough.
  • 08:04 But I think it's what gives us the power and gives us the unity
  • 08:10 that we have in the IDF, I think that's how-- that's the reality.
  • 08:14 Joshua: It's a very important perspective that the
  • 08:16 responsibility of saying if we don't make it okay, it's not
  • 08:20 just gonna be okay.
  • 08:22 And for your generation, that you're so young to be able to
  • 08:25 have to understand that and live that out is a huge deal.
  • 08:27 One of the saddest things for us, because we were here October
  • 08:30 7 when it happened as well, was to go back to America and then
  • 08:33 to hear immediately the antiSemitic viewpoints being
  • 08:37 thrown out, the lies being spoken.
  • 08:39 Why is it so important that Israel has a right to defend
  • 08:42 their borders and their people in times like this and that it's
  • 08:45 not a bad thing that y'all are standing up against this kind
  • 08:48 of tyranny?
  • 08:49 Dasha: Exactly, that's the only option that we have, and that's
  • 08:52 what we do.
  • 08:53 And that's what my friends are doing who are 18, 19 years
  • 08:57 of age.
  • 08:59 I'm 21, but still there's no-- it's not a big difference.
  • 09:01 And that's, I think, the biggest difference in the teens here in
  • 09:07 Israel and teens anywhere.
  • 09:09 I mean, Russia, Thailand, there's no-- our reality is
  • 09:13 very different.
  • 09:14 Caleb: What would be your message to America?
  • 09:16 Because antiSemitism in all the college campuses, like we said,
  • 09:21 it's overflowing, and a lot of people say it's due to a lack of
  • 09:26 education, that they're being indoctrinated.
  • 09:29 They don't even know what their-- their chants, their
  • 09:32 slogans are, what they really mean.
  • 09:34 What would you say to America?
  • 09:36 What's your message to them on why it's all a lie?
  • 09:41 What's the truth in this situation?
  • 09:43 Dasha: I'd say it's a problem, and my only wish would be for
  • 09:48 people to be more at least aware of how much they might not know
  • 09:52 or how much they don't know.
  • 09:54 And I wish people would be more willing to learn more about what
  • 09:58 is really going on and that we don't have any other option,
  • 10:05 that's what we're doing in this war is we protect our civilians,
  • 10:10 we protect our soldiers, and every civilian in Israel has a
  • 10:15 son or daughter that is a soldier, so it's very
  • 10:18 interconnected, and there's no-- you can't divide the Israeli
  • 10:23 society and the IDF.
  • 10:26 We do what we have to do, right?
  • 10:28 And that's the message that I want to say, that this is our
  • 10:32 only option, and it's not like-- it's not like anywhere else in
  • 10:36 the world or like in the US at all.
  • 10:39 Joshua: Now, many of you at home probably know this, and some of
  • 10:41 you may not.
  • 10:43 But if you live in Israel, you have to, it's mandatory, be a
  • 10:45 part of the army at 18 years old.
  • 10:46 Man, child, woman, everybody, 18.
  • 10:49 But no matter how emotionally ready you are, one of the very
  • 10:53 interesting things when we came down here, meeting all of the
  • 10:55 young people of the IDF here that look like they should be
  • 10:59 going to hang out with their friends at the mall, they're
  • 11:01 defending their nation on a daily basis, doing their part.
  • 11:04 And with everything else going on and the amount of hate that
  • 11:07 has been spewed against the nation of Israel in this time
  • 11:10 period, I can't imagine the pressure of being 21 years old
  • 11:13 and this your first assignment.
  • 11:15 But this is something that we try to relay, and we're gonna
  • 11:17 continue to relay, that antiSemitism is of the devil.
  • 11:21 It is a lie that the devil is trying to propagate against
  • 11:24 God's people.
  • 11:25 And Israel has a right to defend their nation, their sovereign
  • 11:29 nation, and nobody has the right to tell them otherwise.
  • 11:31 Caleb: Amen.
  • 11:33 Joshua: Why is Hamas fighting Israel?
  • 11:35 Why are you guys having to defend yourselves?
  • 11:39 Noam: In 2005 Israel gave back to the Palestinian
  • 11:44 Authority Gaza.
  • 11:46 They just went out, they made every single Jew who lived there
  • 11:49 get out of the Strip, Gaza Strip, and live in Israel.
  • 11:53 And after a year the Gaza residents decided to go to a
  • 11:58 vote and voted Hamas as its--.
  • 12:01 Caleb: Government.
  • 12:02 Noam: It's government, exactly.
  • 12:04 So, and since then Hamas is ruling the Gaza Strip, really
  • 12:07 ruling all of the 2 million people who live there.
  • 12:11 And they just hate Jews, there's no easier way to say it.
  • 12:17 They just hate Jews.
  • 12:18 They don't want to see Israel be a country.
  • 12:21 They don't want to see the right of Jewish people to have
  • 12:24 a state.
  • 12:25 They just don't want to see us here.
  • 12:26 And that's the easiest answer I can give you, and it's very
  • 12:31 difficult to see people abroad just saying Israel-- Palestine
  • 12:34 will be free, because it means that Israel will be annihilated.
  • 12:37 That's how they see it.
  • 12:38 Caleb: But they have their, you know, like you said, in 2005
  • 12:42 they had their own territory given to them.
  • 12:45 No Jews there, no one encroaching upon them, their own
  • 12:48 freedom and liberty to decide whatever they would want to out
  • 12:51 of life.
  • 12:53 But yet it's not enough for them.
  • 12:54 They're still-- they just want to annihilate.
  • 12:57 Noam: It's not enough for them, but in the end, even if the Gaza
  • 13:00 Strip would have been able to be another Singapore, would have
  • 13:03 been to be a country with a lot of money which they get a lot of
  • 13:08 money, could have been an amazing country, a phenomenal
  • 13:12 tech country.
  • 13:14 But they don't wanna be.
  • 13:15 They are ruled by hate.
  • 13:17 They just want-- the Hamas just makes everybody there
  • 13:21 hate Israel.
  • 13:22 People joined Hamas, the terrorist organization, and they
  • 13:26 just don't wanna see Israel be here.
  • 13:28 Caleb: Well, this is very interesting, because we've heard
  • 13:31 from you guys, the IDF, the ID F and Israelis are literally one,
  • 13:36 because everyone has served in a way.
  • 13:39 There's no removing one from the other.
  • 13:42 It's still in your brains.
  • 13:43 If you're an Israeli, then you have been in the IDF at one
  • 13:46 point in your life.
  • 13:48 Is that the same way for Gaza?
  • 13:50 People say, "Oh, these are innocent civilians," but they
  • 13:54 don't have a uniform, they still go and they fight
  • 13:56 against Israelis.
  • 13:58 Hamas is kind of integrated into their lifestyle.
  • 14:00 It's their way of thought.
  • 14:02 It's their way of living.
  • 14:03 How can you se-- can you separate one from the other?
  • 14:06 First of all, it's very difficult.
  • 14:09 It's not that you can say that you're in the IDF, and there's a
  • 14:13 way to check that.
  • 14:14 In the end, if you are an IDF soldier, people can check that
  • 14:18 in Israel in the second.
  • 14:20 But in Hamas, it's very difficult to see who is
  • 14:26 combating, who isn't, and it's more difficult for the-- also
  • 14:29 the soldiers who are going inside Gaza, because we want to
  • 14:33 minimize the harm, we wanna minimize harm for civilians.
  • 14:36 But when we don't have possibility, when Hamas
  • 14:39 interrogates itself in civilian residency, it's difficult.
  • 14:44 Israel will still sees people who aren't with arms as innocent
  • 14:49 civilian, people still see them as people who they don't want
  • 14:51 to harm.
  • 14:52 But it's more difficult for us to change it, like, to make sure
  • 14:56 that people who are in Hamas are in with weapons, didn't
  • 15:01 infiltrate into Israel on the 7th of October is not gonna be
  • 15:04 harmed, because we wanna make sure that we can minimize the
  • 15:07 harm for civilians, innocent civilians.
  • 15:10 Joshua: Fighting is a great thing to defend, but there is
  • 15:14 another stance which you're taking, which is to be able to
  • 15:16 speak the truth and to educate and to inform.
  • 15:19 And so, I said that to the young lady that we interviewed before
  • 15:24 you, I wanna be like you when I grow up, because I wanna be in
  • 15:26 that position of understanding the self-responsibility.
  • 15:29 I encourage you as you go on to keep spreading the truth and
  • 15:33 standing for what's right, and just thank you so much for what
  • 15:35 you're doing for Israel, for the Jewish people around the world.
  • 15:37 It's an honor to sit here with you.
  • 15:39 Noam: Thank you so much.
  • 15:40 Caleb: Thank you, Noam.
  • 15:43 Kirsten: We are so thankful for the IDF and the two that you
  • 15:46 just interviewed.
  • 15:47 Oh my goodness, I don't know if it's that I'm getting old, but
  • 15:50 they look so young.
  • 15:53 They're kids, they're well-spoken kids, but they're so
  • 15:57 young out on the front lines, amazing.
  • 16:00 Caleb: Yes, and their maturity level surpasses what kids are
  • 16:04 in America.
  • 16:05 It's pretty sad, the disinformation that's truly
  • 16:08 going on about Hamas being these freedom fighters.
  • 16:10 It's all just a lie.
  • 16:11 The intention of Satan is to steal, kill, and destroy, and
  • 16:15 it's even written into their charter to kill every last Jew.
  • 16:17 So, this is the truth of what's really going on.
  • 16:19 Joshua: It's important that we give so that we can continue the
  • 16:22 messages of what's happening on the front lines here.
  • 16:25 Kirsten: I agree, and we are going to continue our program
  • 16:28 with an interview with someone that isn't just a special guest,
  • 16:31 but more of a family member of this ministry.
  • 16:35 Let's go back to Israel.
  • 16:39 Caleb: We are heading south to a military base in Re'im in the
  • 16:44 Gaza envelopes, more dangerous place right now.
  • 16:47 They are literally invading Rafah right now, IDF are
  • 16:50 fighting, trying to gain a foothold against the terrorists.
  • 16:53 And this is where we plan to meet our good friend,
  • 16:56 Chaim Malespin.
  • 16:57 He has been a friend of Zola Levitt Ministries for years, and
  • 17:00 he's the head of the Aliyah Return Center.
  • 17:02 Joshua: I don't think I've ever met a man that has more energy
  • 17:04 to do more things at once.
  • 17:06 He's got a smile, he always has something to say, he's got
  • 17:09 scripture to give, and at the same time he's going through
  • 17:11 tunnels and fighting this war.
  • 17:14 This is an incredible man with an incredible perspective.
  • 17:16 He's always up to date on what's happening second by second.
  • 17:18 Well, because he's on the front lines.
  • 17:21 So, let's go see what he's up to today, because it could
  • 17:23 be anything.
  • 17:26 Caleb: I'm here with Sergeant Major Chaim Malespin.
  • 17:29 You know him, we know him, the ministry knows him, but he is
  • 17:32 coming from his busy schedule going in and out of Rapha to
  • 17:35 talk to us.
  • 17:37 What a blessing. This is a fantastic day.
  • 17:39 Chaim Malespin: It's, yeah, thank you for coming here.
  • 17:41 I know it's dangerous times.
  • 17:42 I'm glad you're here, not afraid to get hit by a rocket.
  • 17:45 Joshua: We're just excited that we're not gonna have to lose a
  • 17:47 Zoom call.
  • 17:48 You know, we're always so dependent on the internet to see
  • 17:50 your face, and now you're right here like a foot in front of me.
  • 17:52 Chaim: Here we are.
  • 17:53 It's a pleasure to-- in physical reality.
  • 17:57 Caleb: And you're all suited up, you are-- this is your gear,
  • 17:59 ready to go in.
  • 18:01 What's your mission today?
  • 18:02 I mean, I know you can't tell me, but you're going in and
  • 18:04 out of Gaza every day.
  • 18:05 Chaim: Yeah, tunnels, it's really a mission is-- so we're
  • 18:08 the combat engineer corps, elite unit for special missions.
  • 18:10 And the special missions that regular soldiers don't normally
  • 18:13 handle are, like, tunnels.
  • 18:14 Tunnels, it's a specialty.
  • 18:17 There is, you know, could be poisonous, it could be-- not
  • 18:19 poisonous gas, but explosives, it could be gas that kills you,
  • 18:23 it could be motion-activated, sound-activated explosives.
  • 18:27 There's all kinds of variety, TATP, regular TNT, homemade
  • 18:32 explosives, Chleemagore mines, tripwires, you name it.
  • 18:37 So, you got to be able to go there, use certain technologies
  • 18:40 to try to find it.
  • 18:41 Of course, the explosives smelling dog, we'll know if in
  • 18:43 that entrance of a tunnel there he'll sit down, and it's like,
  • 18:47 okay, all right, let's find another way.
  • 18:49 Drilling for the tunnels.
  • 18:50 People kind of know how we do it.
  • 18:53 America may well want to hire me one day for the Mexico, Texas.
  • 18:58 Joshua: Number one, this was not offered by my
  • 19:00 guidance counselor in high school.
  • 19:01 Number two, my dog does none of that, so this is things
  • 19:03 that we will need in America at some point.
  • 19:05 Chaim: Yeah, and not only that, you deal with all kinds of
  • 19:08 combat on the way to or from these terrorist infrastructures,
  • 19:12 the tunnels are terrorist infrastructure.
  • 19:14 There's other infrastructures, as you probably know, some of
  • 19:16 them in the most unexpected places, like a kindergarten.
  • 19:19 I myself found a tunnel right in a hospital myself, and all kinds
  • 19:24 of places you find these tunnels with so many missiles, so many
  • 19:28 RPGS, rocket propelled grenades, and so on and so forth in a
  • 19:32 school, in a UN school.
  • 19:33 It's a very complicated reality, and people can watch TV and have
  • 19:38 opinions and watch YouTube, but when you're in the midst of it
  • 19:41 to fight for your very children's lives and your home
  • 19:44 from, you know, the apocalypse, the Nazi zombie apocalypse.
  • 19:49 You don't want that.
  • 19:50 Caleb: Its doomsday, you're really dealing with life and
  • 19:52 death scenarios every day, and it seems like people want to
  • 19:56 kill you everywhere you go.
  • 19:58 But God has protected you thus far.
  • 20:00 You're a family man, you have kids, you have a reason to keep
  • 20:05 going, but so does everyone here, that everyone has a stake
  • 20:09 in this game, if you will.
  • 20:11 It's not a game, and you all are living it, but this is
  • 20:14 your home.
  • 20:15 You can't leave your home.
  • 20:17 Chaim: It's true, you can't.
  • 20:18 It's a tiny country, the size of New Jersey, and with the enemies
  • 20:20 in the north-- I don't know if you've been up to Metula or
  • 20:22 Kiryat Shmona yet, and you start to see--.
  • 20:24 Caleb: Not in a while, not since the war started.
  • 20:27 Chaim: Now you'll see so many barrages.
  • 20:28 Now, the news has kind of suppressed it.
  • 20:30 The barrages, here you see the barrages hitting from Hamas
  • 20:33 still and Islamic Jihad and Izz ad-Din al-Qassam and all those
  • 20:37 groups, there's more.
  • 20:39 Al Shabaab.
  • 20:40 And so, you have all this happening, but in the north
  • 20:42 Hezbollah is really, really hammering right into people's
  • 20:45 houses, through their kitchen window, exploding houses with
  • 20:49 very precision guided missiles, you know.
  • 20:52 And so someone was saying, "Well, it's not rocket science."
  • 20:55 I'm like, "Well, no, actually, it exactly is."
  • 20:58 Literally, they're getting higher in the rocket science in
  • 21:02 Hezbollah than Hamas, they're actually even more dangerous.
  • 21:06 And so, they've got 150,000 missiles aimed at all
  • 21:10 over Israel.
  • 21:11 They can hit all over Israel.
  • 21:12 Joshua: It's so easy for people today to sit at home
  • 21:14 on the internet, on their phones, whatever they're
  • 21:15 doing, and spew hate and lies.
  • 21:17 They're reposting things that they don't understand
  • 21:19 anything about.
  • 21:20 They may be showing up to a rally or being hired to go
  • 21:22 to a rally to promote those lies.
  • 21:24 What I'm so impressed in is that you are not only fighting this
  • 21:27 fight physically, but you're standing up for the truth.
  • 21:29 You're getting online, you're posting videos, you're
  • 21:31 consistently since the war started sharing truth daily so
  • 21:35 that people are not led into deception through all
  • 21:38 the misdirection.
  • 21:39 And that's the responsibility of all of us, but you're here on
  • 21:41 the frontlines.
  • 21:42 Chaim: Amen, and I will address, you didn't ask this, but God
  • 21:45 loves the Arabic people.
  • 21:46 He loves them.
  • 21:47 He wants the Arab people-- and look at Saudi Arabia, they want
  • 21:49 to do-- they want to engage in a peace treaty.
  • 21:51 Look at what happened with Jordan, peace.
  • 21:52 Look at even Anwar El-Sadat in Egypt.
  • 21:56 And, of course, now the enemy is trying to overturn that and
  • 21:58 trying to paint Israel as some person that wanted-- did we
  • 22:02 start this war?
  • 22:03 Everyone seems to have forgotten how this even started, why are
  • 22:05 we in this situation?
  • 22:06 You know, and how did it continue and promise
  • 22:09 to continue?
  • 22:10 And the rockets that still continue on people's houses,
  • 22:13 they can't go back to their houses under this many rockets.
  • 22:16 And it's called a, I think it's an anarchy, a man of
  • 22:20 lawlessness, maybe.
  • 22:21 You see how it was before we evacuated the 21 cities,
  • 22:25 small villages and town we evacuated in 2005.
  • 22:28 That's when I went in the army, 2005.
  • 22:30 And they were saying we're getting out, Ariel Sharon, our
  • 22:32 Prime Minister, General, he became Prime Minister, we're
  • 22:34 getting out of Gaza, we're removing everything, but we can
  • 22:37 leave them infrastructure.
  • 22:39 We'll leave them greenhouses, we'll leave sewage, things,
  • 22:41 we'll leave-- what they did, they blew it up, they destroyed
  • 22:44 it, they brought through Raphia all kinds of weapons and even
  • 22:48 from Pyongyang, North Korea, and from Iran, of course, and old
  • 22:53 weapons from the Cold War, from Russia to Iran through Raphia
  • 22:56 and started using that against-- so it just shows me that, that
  • 22:59 oppression needs to end.
  • 23:00 Those young people, 2005, I'm already older now.
  • 23:05 Caleb: We're all older, we're all getting older.
  • 23:06 Chaim: And that was 2005 when I went.
  • 23:09 And since then those young people have been raised in this
  • 23:12 pain and suffering.
  • 23:14 We were gone, we were gone from the scene.
  • 23:16 Caleb: You couldn't protect them.
  • 23:17 Chaim: We couldn't help them anymore, but their evildoers got
  • 23:20 stronger and stronger and oppressed them.
  • 23:21 And I think it's time for them to be free of this time and for
  • 23:26 a new season to arise where they will--
  • 23:28 and God's using all of us.
  • 23:30 And to wrap up, I think that prayer is so important.
  • 23:34 I mean, you know, prayer, and not just in a church building.
  • 23:39 You can pray at home, you could pray in the car, you could pray
  • 23:42 on your way to work for everyone that's here.
  • 23:46 The people that are under oppression in Gaza, and there's
  • 23:48 believers in Gaza.
  • 23:50 There are Christians, all kinds of, there's Catholics, there's
  • 23:53 Baptists, there's different kinds inside Gaza, and they've
  • 23:57 run to the safe areas that we've put.
  • 23:58 You probably know, we purchased almost 200,000 tents.
  • 24:01 Each one can fit about 12 people.
  • 24:03 And so, that's well over 2 million people
  • 24:05 that can go to this area.
  • 24:08 It's not nice to have to go to a tent after you've already
  • 24:10 had to move from your house.
  • 24:11 And that house has probably been involved in a full on conflict
  • 24:14 and probably is damaged in some way.
  • 24:17 No one likes this.
  • 24:18 Israel doesn't like this.
  • 24:20 I don't like this.
  • 24:21 But then on the other hand, what do you do, nothing?
  • 24:23 Is that-- you should not defend your home?
  • 24:25 And it took me a long time to really realize the Bible talks
  • 24:29 about defend the defenseless, stand up for the-- against
  • 24:33 the oppressor.
  • 24:34 Yeshua didn't say everybody be wimps and do nothing.
  • 24:36 And that's Yeshua's big plan is, no, you have to defend the
  • 24:40 defenseless, like a good shepherd.
  • 24:42 And I said this on Fox News, and I said this in a few places
  • 24:45 where shepherds have sticks.
  • 24:46 Sometimes you have to-- sometimes you have to use your
  • 24:49 shepherd stick and defend the lambs from the mouth of
  • 24:52 the wolf.
  • 24:53 And that's what I intend to do, and destroy all these tunnels.
  • 24:58 David: If you've been on a tour with us to Israel, you've been
  • 25:01 on the bus with Chaim.
  • 25:02 And on location with him, we love his passion for Yeshua.
  • 25:07 It's just hard to believe that he is in tunnels, blowing
  • 25:10 tunnels up right now, guys.
  • 25:12 Hard to believe that, isn't it?
  • 25:14 Caleb: He is the real deal, and he's fighting for the freedoms
  • 25:18 of not just the Israelis, but the people in Gaza too.
  • 25:20 His heart is for everyone.
  • 25:22 He truly embodies the love and compassion of Yeshua.
  • 25:25 And it's God's will to save the Arab people too.
  • 25:28 You know, the-- all the citizens of Gaza, they are indoctrinated
  • 25:33 from a young age to hate the Jewish people.
  • 25:36 We're talking preschool, they are told lies and an alternate
  • 25:39 history concerning the land of Israel.
  • 25:42 And so, we have to understand that this is a spiritual battle.
  • 25:45 It's gonna take prayer and it's gonna take the truth.
  • 25:47 And the only thing that can fight that kind of hate is the
  • 25:50 love of Yeshua.
  • 25:52 You know, scripture says in 1 Timothy 2:4 through 6,
  • 25:54 "God wants all people to be saved and to come
  • 25:58 to a knowledge of the truth.
  • 26:00 For there's one God and one mediator
  • 26:01 between God and mankind,
  • 26:03 the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself
  • 26:04 as a ransom for all people."
  • 26:07 Joshua: God has called of us to share this truth, to stand for
  • 26:10 it, to share his love.
  • 26:11 This specific ministry has been doing that for over 45 years.
  • 26:15 This is your ministry.
  • 26:16 It's not our ministry.
  • 26:17 You who have been giving, you who have been praying, you who
  • 26:20 have been believing for the message of Yeshua that has been
  • 26:22 going out to his people and to people around the world, and we
  • 26:25 want to continue doing this.
  • 26:27 So, we're asking you guys to pray, ask the Holy Spirit how
  • 26:30 you can continue to be a part, how you can give of your
  • 26:32 finances, how you can give of your prayers, how you can share
  • 26:35 these episodes with your friends who don't know about the
  • 26:38 ministry or who have questions or maybe they're deceived about
  • 26:41 what's happening over in the Middle East right now.
  • 26:43 Share the truth, take a stand for what's right so that in
  • 26:46 these times we can spread that love of Jesus, of Yeshua, that
  • 26:50 is going to change the hearts and lives of men and women all
  • 26:54 over this earth.
  • 26:55 It is our call and our responsibility, and thank you so
  • 26:57 much for the faithfulness over these years.
  • 27:02 Kirsten: We have more next week, interviews coming from Israel.
  • 27:06 Everything is so incredibly timely, and yes, we are so
  • 27:09 thankful that you make these programs possible by donating.
  • 27:14 Here we go, more things to come, but we have to end
  • 27:17 today's program.
  • 27:19 Caleb: And as you go, sha'alu shalom Yerushalayim.
  • 27:22 David: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:26 male announcer: Join us right now on our social media sites
  • 27:29 for exclusive content.
  • 27:31 Visit our website,, for tour information, broadcast
  • 27:35 schedule, free monthly newsletter, and online store.
  • 27:39 Call us any time at 1-800-Wonders and ask about this
  • 27:43 week's resource.
  • 27:45 "Our Jewish Roots" is a presentation of Zola
  • 27:47 Levitt Ministries.
  • 27:49 Partner with us.
  • 27:50 As a 100% viewer-funded ministry, your gifts allow us to
  • 27:54 bring you our weekly television series, social media outlets,
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  • 28:00 Please remember we depend on tax deductible donations from
  • 28:04 viewers like you.
  • 28:05 ♪♪♪
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  • 28:25 ♪♪♪

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