The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

Series: “The Prophesied Messiah”
Produced with Israeli actors on location in the Holy Land, this powerful series examines the Old Testament prophecies, types and shadows of Messiah, and their remarkable fulfillments.
129 “Abraham and Isaac”
Abraham, as a type of God the Father, willingly walks to Mt. Moriah to offer his only son.
130 “Joseph”
Rejected by his brothers, sold for silver, and thrown into the pit of death, Joseph ultimately becomes a ruler of the kingdom.
131 “Moses”
As a symbol of the coming Messiah, Moses is appointed to save his people, Israel, from bondage and oppression.
132 “David”
In his prophetic Psalms, David tells of a coming Messiah, his Son, who will continue a royal reign forever.
133 “Solomon”
The wisest of all rulers, Solomon is known as the great Temple builder and king of peace.
134 “Jonah”
As a type of Messiah, Jonah is buried three days and nights in the deep, and then raised to new life.
135 “Micah”
Micah predicts Bethlehem as the exact location of the Messiah’s birth, seven centuries in advance!
136 “Isaiah”
Isaiah’s remarkably precise predictions of the Messiah’s virgin birth, the location of His ministry, His rejection and death.
137 “Jeremiah”
Jeremiah prophesied that a New Covenant was coming, as fulfilled in the Messiah, that would replace the Old Covenant.
138 “Daniel”
In his most detailed prophecy of “Seventy Weeks,” Daniel predicted exactly how the Messiah would fit into world history.
139 “Zechariah”
Zechariah predicted the betrayal of our Lord, the scattering of the sheep, and His Second Coming.
140 “Messiah Music”
This panoramic video of Israel, in stereo sound, highlights Zola’s songs from the Messiah album. Beautiful pictures, beautiful melodies.