The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

Series: “Dateline Jerusalem”
The Coming Temple
The Lord’s divine plan revolved around a specific people, a place, and a promise. This ten-part series spotlights plans to reconstruct the Temple in Jerusalem featuring Dr. Jeffrey Seif, with the Bearded Bible Brothers, and David and Kirsten Hart.
2332 “Sin and Restoration”
Garden of Eden, humanity’s sin led to expulsion. God planned restoration. Israel is blessed but fell to sin and exiled. Now, God gathers them again—a Jewish return, ultimate restoration with a new heart and spiritual awakening.
2333 “Places of Worship”
Solomon replaced the Tabernacle with a Temple in Jerusalem. Babylonians destroyed it as Jeremiah prophesied. Post-exile Temple also fell to the Romans. Scripture hints at a future rebuilding in God’s divine plan.
2334 “Way of Worship”
The books of the Law provide meticulous instructions for worship within the Tabernacle and later the Temple. In Jesus’ time, the sanctity of the Temple was violated by the presence of money changers. Prophetic insights also indicate a future time when the sacredness of a subsequent Temple will be similarly desecrated.
2335 “Need for Worship”
Scripture prophesies a future time when the nation of Israel will experience a spiritual revival and fully embrace the worship of the God of Israel as outlined in the Law of Moses. This revival will entail the reinstatement of the sacrificial system, including its practice in a new Temple..
2336 “Next Place of Worship”
Ezekiel foresaw an expanded Temple and Paul warned of the anti-Christ’s defilement. These prophecies point to a future events. The Bible assures that there is a Temple in operation the end times climax.
2337 “Place for Israel”
Despite past failures, the Jewish people’s regathering in their ancestral homeland as a modern nation provides visible proof of God’s presence and providence.
2338 “Sacrifices for Sin”
God established the sacrificial system as a means to atone for sin, requiring the shedding of animal blood. The sacrificial practices in the Temple served as a foreshadowing of Jesus’ ultimate substitutionary atonement. Future Temple sacrifices during Jesus’ rule will serve as symbolic reminders rather than serving a direct atoning purpose.
2339 “Future of Worship”
Sin divides the creation from the Creator. Eden’s loss didn’t extinguish the hope of restoration. Prophecy foretells the Messiah reigning over the entire world from Jerusalem’s Temple.
2340 “Ancient Sounds”
On this program, we hear the sounds of the coming Temple, beginning with the shofar. Robert Weinger, the owner of Shofar So Great near Jericho, is a very recognizable sight in Israel wherever the shofar is blown. The builders of the harps that will be played in the coming Temple are recognizable to past viewers. Micah and Shoshanna Harrari have lived in Israel for many decades and continue to design and promote the music of the harp.
2341 “Temple Conference”
Efforts to promote the next Temple continue. This program features excerpts from the 2023 Temple Mount Jerusalem Convention, plus an extended interview with Mark Hitchcock.