The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Sacrifices for Sin”
God established the sacrificial system as a means to atone for sin, requiring the shedding of animal blood. The sacrificial practices in the Temple served as a foreshadowing of Jesus’ ultimate substitutionary atonement. Future Temple sacrifices during Jesus’ rule will serve as symbolic reminders rather than serving a direct atoning purpose.
Series: “Dateline Jerusalem”
The Coming Temple
The Lord’s divine plan revolved around a specific people, a place, and a promise. This ten-part series spotlights plans to reconstruct the Temple in Jerusalem featuring Dr. Jeffrey Seif, with the Bearded Bible Brothers, and David and Kirsten Hart.

Caption transcript for Dateline Jerusalem: “Sacrifices for Sin” (7/10)

  • 00:01 ♪♪♪ male announcer: God could have chosen anywhere on earth,
  • 00:13 but he chose Israel. He could have revealed his redemption anywhere;
  • 00:16 he chose Jerusalem.
  • 00:18 The house of the Lord might have been any place on earth;
  • 00:22 he chose Mount Moriah.
  • 00:24 Past, present, and future, the mountain of the Lord has been
  • 00:28 a beacon of hope and remains a strategic site
  • 00:32 for the next temple of God.
  • 00:36 "Dateline Jerusalem: The Coming Temple."
  • 00:42 David Hart: We're so glad you joined us today.
  • 00:43 We are plowing through this wonderful series
  • 00:46 and a lot more to come.
  • 00:47 What's going on today, guys?
  • 00:49 Joshua Colson: I love how we've been talking about the
  • 00:51 prophecy, the past, the future, the Temple Mount,
  • 00:53 this tiny little place with so much controversy.
  • 00:55 If you want to start some controversy,
  • 00:57 go up there, take a knee, and start praying
  • 00:59 and see what happens.
  • 01:00 I promise you it's going to go badly for you.
  • 01:02 Caleb Colson: I mean, intifadas have started
  • 01:04 from less than that.
  • 01:05 It is the most contested site in the world because of a spiritual
  • 01:08 problem that's, you know, the temple once stood there.
  • 01:11 The enemy doesn't want the temple to be there.
  • 01:13 The temple will be there in the future and that means Yeshua
  • 01:16 will rule and reign from there one day and that just stirs up
  • 01:19 the demons of hell.
  • 01:21 David: We're gonna hear more about that, but right now,
  • 01:23 Dr. Seif is on location at the Mount of Olives.
  • 01:26 Let's go there now.
  • 01:28 Dr. Jeffrey Seif: Television commentators typically
  • 01:30 want people to look at them.
  • 01:32 Here, however, I'd like to begin by asking you to look past me,
  • 01:36 look through me.
  • 01:38 No doubt, the site behind me will resonate with you.
  • 01:41 As you focus on it, you realize where I am.
  • 01:44 It's Jerusalem, and you'll see what you're looking at,
  • 01:47 the Temple Mount.
  • 01:48 You would know that principally
  • 01:50 because of the gold dome that's atop.
  • 01:52 But it's an Islamic shrine.
  • 01:54 Marwan built that in 691.
  • 01:56 Well, he finished it in 691.
  • 01:59 For as much as people might recognize the site,
  • 02:04 S-I-T-E, what people have lost sight of,
  • 02:08 S-I-G-H-T, is what the hill is really all about.
  • 02:13 I mention that because the Dome of the Rock behind me was,
  • 02:18 in effect, a pilgrim shrine for people to come
  • 02:21 and do their obedience to Allah.
  • 02:28 That wasn't quite the original intention.
  • 02:32 I get that pilgrims visit the space,
  • 02:36 and I don't want to be disrespectful toward my Islamic
  • 02:40 cousins, but that space was designated for something other
  • 02:46 than a religion that appeared here hundreds and hundreds
  • 02:53 of years after Jesus.
  • 02:55 When I look at this site, I look at it with a biblical lens,
  • 03:00 and I'm reminded of the fact that the hekal was there,
  • 03:03 the temple was there, the Beit HaMikdash,
  • 03:07 and that the site is special, not simply as a place
  • 03:10 for tourists to come.
  • 03:12 It's a place for people to come and transact business with the
  • 03:16 divine to bring front and center their sins and to experience
  • 03:22 God's redemption.
  • 03:25 I mention that because there's a verse that you may be familiar
  • 03:28 with, not just in Leviticus where I'm reading from in 17,
  • 03:32 but it's so central to the Bible in so many ways.
  • 03:34 There's many chapters that deal with sacrifice on that site,
  • 03:38 not tourist site, but sacrifice site,
  • 03:40 where animals were brought.
  • 03:43 It's so central to the biblical economy.
  • 03:44 There has to be the giving of a life in order to receive it.
  • 03:48 In Leviticus 17:11 he says: "For the life of the flesh is in the
  • 03:54 blood," and he says, "I've given it to you upon the altar,"
  • 04:01 in fact, and that's particularly true with Jesus where he gave
  • 04:04 his life upon the altar of the cross,
  • 04:06 "to make atonement for your souls."
  • 04:09 And Jesus certainly is recognized as doing that,
  • 04:12 "for it's the blood that makes atonement for life."
  • 04:20 More than a tourist spot.
  • 04:22 That when you look at biblical literature,
  • 04:25 this was the spot.
  • 04:27 People came, they brought animals,
  • 04:29 they presented.
  • 04:31 You know, Calvary's in proximity to all that,
  • 04:33 the ultimate sacrifice.
  • 04:35 Now, in this series, we're interested in the temple,
  • 04:39 to be sure, and the reemergence of it in modernity is worth
  • 04:44 consideration, but I don't want to walk past the ultimate and
  • 04:48 that is how what was transacted here is fulfilled in the person
  • 04:54 of Jesus.
  • 04:56 That's the argument.
  • 04:57 I'll close my point.
  • 04:59 Yesterday I was by the Garden Tomb.
  • 05:02 It's a sacred space for Christians to come and remember
  • 05:04 the death, the burial, and the resurrection to Jesus,
  • 05:07 and pilgrims sing songs, they have devotionals,
  • 05:09 and the song was sung, "Oh, the blood of Jesus."
  • 05:13 Well, amen to that.
  • 05:15 It's popular in Christianity.
  • 05:17 I'm glad it is.
  • 05:19 I want it to be remembered.
  • 05:20 But the place to remember the blood,
  • 05:22 the transaction of giving blood for life,
  • 05:24 it's the place behind me.
  • 05:26 Once upon a time where once stood the temple,
  • 05:29 and it may very well be standing again in the foreseeable future.
  • 05:36 Caleb: When in 1831 B.C., Abraham ascended Mount Moriah
  • 05:40 to sacrifice his son Isaac, he had no idea that one day
  • 05:44 that site would be called the Temple Mount.
  • 05:47 Two temples would eventually be built on the mount.
  • 05:49 It would become Judaism's holiest site in the world.
  • 05:52 Some 600 years after the second temple was destroyed by
  • 05:55 the Romans, two mosques were built on the site,
  • 05:58 making it Islam's third holiest site in the world
  • 06:01 after Mecca and Medina.
  • 06:02 Today, as discussions abound regarding the third temple,
  • 06:05 the prophetic words of Isaiah become even more timely.
  • 06:09 narrator: "I will bring them to my holy mountain
  • 06:11 of Yerushalayim.
  • 06:13 I will fill them with joy in my house of prayer.
  • 06:15 I will accept their burnt offerings and sacrifices,
  • 06:18 because my Temple will be called a house of prayer
  • 06:21 for all nations."
  • 06:24 Kirsten Hart: Okay, two Jewish brothers,
  • 06:26 very knowledgeable, very smart, this is something
  • 06:30 very interesting that we just learned.
  • 06:32 We're always taught the third temple.
  • 06:35 We don't think, as we just heard,
  • 06:37 that it's a huge complex, and you guys know about that.
  • 06:41 We think, one temple, not kind of a massive complex,
  • 06:44 it's going to be, right?
  • 06:46 Joshua: Because the question becomes,
  • 06:47 what could be the problem if this temple or complex is there?
  • 06:50 Why can't it just sit next to everybody else
  • 06:52 on the Dome or--
  • 06:53 Caleb: Yeah, I mean, a lot of people think,
  • 06:55 you can build the third temple-- because there's plenty
  • 06:57 of room, and Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock
  • 06:59 will be untouched.
  • 07:01 Ain't gonna happen.
  • 07:02 They're gonna need that whole complex, and even when we read
  • 07:04 in Revelation when John is to measure that third temple,
  • 07:07 it describes an inner court, describes an outer court
  • 07:10 for the Gentiles.
  • 07:11 That's more than just the temple area itself,
  • 07:13 even if you're saying, you know, Dome of the Rock,
  • 07:15 that's where Solomon's Temple was or Dome of the Spirits,
  • 07:18 they still need more territory.
  • 07:20 And you know the Muslims will never allow a Jewish temple to
  • 07:23 stand side by side with Al-Aqsa, or the Dome of the Rock.
  • 07:27 And it's even in the times past, Emperor Hadrian in 167 A.D.,
  • 07:33 he built a temple to Jupiter on that very site.
  • 07:36 So everybody tries to stake claim to that territory
  • 07:40 spiritually by putting their own house of worship there.
  • 07:43 And even when Jeff was there, teaching at that eastern gate,
  • 07:46 the Muslims were building, digging more gravesites under
  • 07:50 that spot where the eastern gate was.
  • 07:51 Kirsten: Well, we're seeing him right there,
  • 07:53 I mean, that's coming up incredible that they want--
  • 07:56 there's that claim to that land, right?
  • 07:59 But it's not gonna be.
  • 08:01 Caleb: Then they say it's the third holiest site,
  • 08:02 but I promise you it did not become Islam's third holiest
  • 08:05 site until after 1967, the Six-Day War,
  • 08:09 when Israel reclaimed that territory of Jerusalem,
  • 08:12 but that was when an air force came to destroy Israel and God
  • 08:15 supernaturally intervened.
  • 08:16 This army of ten to one, and they took more territory
  • 08:20 of Judea and Samaria back, which is their God-given inheritance,
  • 08:23 and then suddenly it's the third holiest site in Islam.
  • 08:26 It's not mentioned anywhere in the Qur'an,
  • 08:28 you know, Yerushalayim, this Temple Mount,
  • 08:30 but now it's so important to everybody.
  • 08:32 Joshua: So you see that constant pressure building,
  • 08:34 that constant tug-of-war.
  • 08:36 When you see something that doesn't make sense in the
  • 08:37 natural, that's when you know it has to be a spiritual battle.
  • 08:41 And that's why we're saying co-existence is not gonna
  • 08:43 happen in this situation because the enemy has no desire to
  • 08:46 co-exist with God, and God is not going to co-exist with
  • 08:49 the enemy, and we know, because of the Bible,
  • 08:51 it's gonna happen.
  • 08:53 The temple's gonna happen, and everything else
  • 08:55 that happens next, so.
  • 08:56 Caleb: Yeah, in Daniel 9:27, he's talking about this beast,
  • 09:00 this [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 09:02 this antichrist figure that makes a peace treaty.
  • 09:05 He confirms it with the Jews for 7 weeks,
  • 09:08 for 7 years.
  • 09:10 Obviously, Satan wants that temple to be built because that
  • 09:12 is the initiation point of the construction of the third temple
  • 09:16 for the Tribulation to begin, for him to take
  • 09:18 his seat of power.
  • 09:20 And so he's playing both sides here: rallying up Israel's
  • 09:24 enemies but at the same time he's going to play the
  • 09:26 peacemaker with Israel, representing the goy nations
  • 09:29 so that they can build that third temple,
  • 09:31 just so that he can abominate it later and pollute it
  • 09:33 and take his seat.
  • 09:35 David: Yes, the eastern gate is near that area
  • 09:37 we're talking about right now.
  • 09:39 Dr. Seif is there teaching.
  • 09:41 Let's go there now.
  • 09:44 Dr. Jeffrey Seif: Behind me is the eastern gate,
  • 09:47 or the old eastern gate.
  • 09:48 It's the old city of Jerusalem, a fascinating spot.
  • 09:54 Proximate to it is a cemetery, and I'm standing in a cemetery
  • 09:58 right now, and I'm excited to do so.
  • 10:01 Most people wouldn't think that's very exciting.
  • 10:03 This is an Arab Muslim cemetery adjacent to the eastern gate.
  • 10:11 And adjacent to this cemetery, this Muslim cemetery,
  • 10:16 is a Jewish cemetery that carpets a good section
  • 10:21 of the Mount of Olives.
  • 10:23 Now, when I tell you I'm excited to come to you from this place,
  • 10:25 that sounds, you know, a bit out of place for a cemetery.
  • 10:29 But those that are buried here are excited to be at this place.
  • 10:33 For comparable reasons.
  • 10:35 For getting box-office seats to the greatest show on earth
  • 10:40 in the Messianic era.
  • 10:43 I mention that because certainly--
  • 10:47 and I speak more to Jewish senses and sensibilities--
  • 10:52 there's an anticipation of a resurrection to come.
  • 10:57 And not only is there an anticipation of a resurrection
  • 11:00 to come, and thus individuals want to be buried close
  • 11:04 to the holy city, in the holy city to come is,
  • 11:08 per the understanding of religious Jews for reasons that
  • 11:11 we'll explore, comes the emergence of a temple complex.
  • 11:17 We know that Solomon built a temple.
  • 11:20 It was destroyed.
  • 11:22 Exiles returned and Herod refurbished the temple.
  • 11:25 That was the temple in Jesus's day.
  • 11:27 Eventually that was felled, it was destroyed,
  • 11:31 but there's an understanding in biblical literature,
  • 11:33 both in the Newer Testament, and the Older Testament
  • 11:36 that there's another temple to come.
  • 11:39 And individuals believe, of course,
  • 11:41 there's only one place for it to be and that's behind me here
  • 11:45 at the temple complex.
  • 11:48 I want to explore a text in a second that gives voice to the
  • 11:51 priests that will be officiating in that temple to come.
  • 11:55 But at the outset, what I want to do is overcome an objection
  • 11:59 that many evangelicals have with the notion of a rebuilt temple
  • 12:03 and a priesthood that is then redeveloped in the temple.
  • 12:08 It's adjudged to be superfluous in that Jesus Christ died for
  • 12:13 our sins and is the high priest and sacrifice.
  • 12:17 Some allege that this is all a delusional fantasy because
  • 12:22 there's no need--because Jesus is the priest
  • 12:24 and the sacrifice, there's no need for a temple,
  • 12:26 there's no need for a priesthood,
  • 12:29 there's no need for a sacrifice.
  • 12:32 Caleb: Historically sacrifice has always been a
  • 12:35 integral part of atonement, both in the wilderness tabernacle
  • 12:38 and the ensuing Jerusalem temples.
  • 12:41 David Parsons gives his perspective on the third temple.
  • 12:45 David Parsons: Some say, well, look,
  • 12:47 Jesus is our eternal sacrifice.
  • 12:50 There's no need for the sacrifice of animals there,
  • 12:55 and you know, that's all good and fine,
  • 12:58 and there--a lot of Jews who want to rebuild the temple,
  • 13:01 they're not so interested in the animal sacrifices or whatever,
  • 13:06 but recapturing that sort of glory that was there.
  • 13:09 Some say we shouldn't be involved in it,
  • 13:12 because it's just gonna be defiled by the Antichrist.
  • 13:16 And you can actually find three places in the book of Daniel
  • 13:21 where he talks about the--an abomination of desolation,
  • 13:25 and each is a separate one.
  • 13:28 The fact that even Daniel prophesies all three of them,
  • 13:31 it was never a reason not to rebuild the temple.
  • 13:35 They rebuilt it the first time and such,
  • 13:37 so I don't think that's necessarily a reason
  • 13:40 not to rebuild it.
  • 13:41 If you don't want to be involved,
  • 13:43 you don't have to.
  • 13:44 It will be a very sensitive issue.
  • 13:46 ♪♪♪
  • 13:52 Dr. Jeffrey Seif: Biblical authors in both the older
  • 13:54 and the newer testament give voice to a coming new temple.
  • 13:59 With Israel's reaping-- regathering as a nation state,
  • 14:04 with the retaking of Jerusalem as the holy city,
  • 14:08 with all of that, there are now interests in the temple's
  • 14:14 redevelopment and of course, in this series,
  • 14:17 we're exploring in order to rededicate a rededicated temple
  • 14:22 you need to have the ashes of red heifer, and even those
  • 14:24 have been found in Texas.
  • 14:26 Go Texas.
  • 14:28 Caleb: Our cameras were there on a Texas ranch when rabbis
  • 14:31 from Jerusalem's Temple Institute carefully inspected
  • 14:35 the parah adumah, the red heifers.
  • 14:37 Five suitable heifers were found and later taken to Israel,
  • 14:40 where again, we've documented their whereabouts.
  • 14:43 There's little question that the subject of the heifers has
  • 14:45 stirred considerable interest in these prophetic times.
  • 14:48 So I spoke to prophecy expert, Mark Hitchcock,
  • 14:51 author of the book, "The End," about his perspective.
  • 14:56 Caleb: You know, red heifers, that's all you have to say.
  • 14:58 Everybody's talking about them nowadays.
  • 15:01 I was present at the selection process when the rabbis
  • 15:04 were inspecting them.
  • 15:05 It was a sobering event, just to say the least.
  • 15:09 Do you think this is a prophetic game-changer,
  • 15:11 their appearance after what, say,
  • 15:13 2,000 years, pure red heifers?
  • 15:16 Mark Hitchcock: Well, I think it is,
  • 15:17 or just the fact that they're looking for them I think
  • 15:19 is a game-changer.
  • 15:20 You know, the fact that there's this kind of momentum
  • 15:22 to be searching for them.
  • 15:23 Yeah, they found these five red heifers.
  • 15:25 I think it's in Texas.
  • 15:26 They arrived in Israel, I think it's September of last year,
  • 15:28 of 2022.
  • 15:30 And they're kind of watching them.
  • 15:32 They quarantined them for a while.
  • 15:34 I think they're too young now.
  • 15:35 They have to be at least 3 years of age,
  • 15:37 so they're waiting till they're that age.
  • 15:39 But I understand, too, that they believe that these red heifers,
  • 15:42 the red heifer ceremony, slaying them
  • 15:44 and reducing them to ashes, has to occur overlooking
  • 15:46 where they can see the Temple Mount.
  • 15:48 Caleb: That's true.
  • 15:49 Mark: And they purchased some land over on the Mount of Olives
  • 15:51 where this can take place.
  • 15:53 So, all these things are in place but they're gonna have
  • 15:57 to have red heifers for the purification of the priests
  • 16:01 for the third temple.
  • 16:03 So I think it is prophetically significant.
  • 16:05 Now, whether these five are the five or not--
  • 16:07 Caleb: That they stay pure or not, yeah.
  • 16:09 Mark: That's right, and they could certainly be the five
  • 16:12 if it's going to happen within, you know,
  • 16:14 some period of time, but we don't know that for sure,
  • 16:17 but to me, it's just the fact that they're trying to get these
  • 16:21 red heifers together.
  • 16:22 They've already got a menorah there.
  • 16:24 The Temple Institute's collecting all these implements.
  • 16:26 They're trying to, you know, have a priesthood established.
  • 16:28 So, all these things are kind of converging at the same time,
  • 16:31 but the red heifers, I think, is really an important piece
  • 16:34 to that puzzle, and I do think it's prophetically significant.
  • 16:38 Caleb: On a past program in this series,
  • 16:40 we documented the place where the ashes of a red heifer
  • 16:43 will be gathered on the Mount of Olives
  • 16:46 facing the eastern gate.
  • 16:47 Dr. Seif continues from that gate
  • 16:49 along the eastern wall of the Temple Mount.
  • 16:53 Dr. Jeffrey Seif: Ezekiel, earlier in his book--
  • 16:55 when I say earlier, it's 'cause I'm in chapter 44 here--
  • 16:58 gave voice to the fact that Hebrews are gonna be
  • 17:00 regathered from the world over and come back
  • 17:05 to the nation of Israel.
  • 17:06 And he's in--goes into great detail about a temple
  • 17:08 that's going to be rebuilt.
  • 17:10 And it's not just a model temple.
  • 17:12 I want to look in chapter 44 and read a few verses.
  • 17:15 Beginning in verse 15, he says: "The priests
  • 17:18 and the Levites that kept charge of the sanctuary in days past,
  • 17:23 they are going to come again."
  • 17:26 He says in verse 15: [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 17:30 "And they shall minister before Me once again."
  • 17:35 There's an emergent priesthood, and there is ministry
  • 17:38 of priesthood.
  • 17:40 In verse 16, it's even more explicit.
  • 17:43 He says: [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 17:48 "And they shall enter into My sanctuary."
  • 17:52 And for them to enter into a sanctuary,
  • 17:53 there has to be a sanctuary.
  • 17:55 If you take the Bible literally, it gives voice to a reemergent
  • 17:58 complex to attend to this business.
  • 18:02 [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 18:07 "And they shall come near to My table,"
  • 18:10 he says, [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 18:13 "and minister unto Me."
  • 18:16 It's very interesting that when you look at biblical literature,
  • 18:20 the Ezekiel text, specifically here,
  • 18:23 but it's not exclusive to this.
  • 18:25 There's an understanding that in the Eschaton,
  • 18:28 that is, in days future, there is going to be a redeveloped
  • 18:31 temple, and it begs the question what ought Christians to do with
  • 18:35 this, particularly those that it seems to offend sense
  • 18:38 and sensibility?
  • 18:39 A few things.
  • 18:41 First of all, keep in mind that when we take the Lord's Supper
  • 18:44 in church, the minister is acting,
  • 18:47 in effect, as a priest, and he is, in effect,
  • 18:50 remembering the sacrifice and then giving it to others,
  • 18:54 akin to what priests would do in the temple complex.
  • 18:58 Now, in a Communion service, Eucharist,
  • 19:00 call it what you will, it's commemorative in nature,
  • 19:04 it's symbolic.
  • 19:05 In terms of the refabrication of a temple complex
  • 19:08 and a priesthood, it's symbolic as well.
  • 19:11 Evangelicals that envision there is a coming temple don't--
  • 19:16 even with all that, there's an understanding that Jesus is the
  • 19:18 ultimate sacrifice and high priest and that business
  • 19:20 is taken care of.
  • 19:22 But there's a cogent argument that there are sacrifices that
  • 19:25 are instituted as a commemoration of the ultimate
  • 19:29 sacrifice and that is the person of Jesus.
  • 19:33 Caleb: We've already seen in this series how the altar of
  • 19:35 sacrifice played an important place in the tabernacle.
  • 19:38 It pictured what was to come in the temple and also served
  • 19:41 as a map of God's salvation plan.
  • 19:43 Ariel Simms tells us more.
  • 19:46 Ariel Simms: There's so much in the tabernacle,
  • 19:51 and I mean, throughout the entire Old Testament,
  • 19:53 but especially in the tabernacle,
  • 19:55 that points to Yeshua, to Jesus.
  • 19:59 What the tabernacle really is, is it is a map of God's
  • 20:02 salvation plan.
  • 20:05 The beginning of the map, the start of the map,
  • 20:08 where we are, is separation from God in our sin.
  • 20:11 And the end point's the X where the treasure is buried,
  • 20:14 where we want to get to, that's back to the Holy of Holies,
  • 20:16 back to the presence of God, back to our relationship with
  • 20:19 him, or back to the Garden of Eden,
  • 20:21 what God originally intended.
  • 20:23 And so what the tabernacle is, is that it's a map that shows
  • 20:27 the process of what needs to happen if we want to get back
  • 20:31 to a relationship with God, back to his presence and glory,
  • 20:35 so even before we talk about Yeshua and Jesus,
  • 20:40 we just see, first of all, for example,
  • 20:42 the altar being the first item that we see when we come
  • 20:45 into the courtyard.
  • 20:46 If you want--if you want to get to God,
  • 20:48 first there must be a sacrifice and it's through the sacrifice
  • 20:51 that we are purified, which is what the wash base represents.
  • 20:55 We cannot be purified without a sacrifice first.
  • 20:58 So, it's through the blood of the sacrifice that we are
  • 21:00 purified, and then we can enter into God's presence.
  • 21:03 Even before the altar, we have the gate, the gate that was the
  • 21:07 only way to enter into the courtyard in the first place.
  • 21:10 If anyone tried to sneak in through any other way
  • 21:14 into the courtyard, under the fence or whatever,
  • 21:17 they would die.
  • 21:19 So, the gate was the only way to come in.
  • 21:21 Yeshua says, "I am the gate."
  • 21:24 So, when he says, "I am the gate,"
  • 21:25 he's talking to Pharisees, educated, learned Jews,
  • 21:27 who know exactly what he means when he says,
  • 21:29 "I am the gate," where he's referencing the gate
  • 21:31 to the courtyard, basically saying,
  • 21:33 "I'm the only way to get to God."
  • 21:37 Yeshua says, "I am the bread of life."
  • 21:39 He's referencing the shewbread where he's basically saying,
  • 21:42 "I am the provider."
  • 21:45 Or when he says, "I am the light of the world," he's referencing
  • 21:47 the menorah where he's the light of the world.
  • 21:50 The menorah represents Yeshua as the light of the world.
  • 21:54 So, really, everything points to Yeshua,
  • 21:56 and he references the tabernacle when he says many of these
  • 21:59 I AMs throughout the Gospel of John.
  • 22:03 And the ultimate purpose of the tabernacle back then was to be
  • 22:07 a dwelling place for God.
  • 22:09 The very first thing that God says about the tabernacle in
  • 22:12 Exodus chapter 25, God talks to Moses on Mount Sinai,
  • 22:15 and he says, "Build me a tabernacle
  • 22:17 that I may dwell among them."
  • 22:19 Them, he's talking about the Israelites.
  • 22:21 So the tabernacle first and foremost is meant to be
  • 22:23 a dwelling place for the Lord.
  • 22:25 But the word "among" in Hebrew, when God says,
  • 22:28 "I want to dwell among my people,"
  • 22:30 in Hebrew it actually says [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 22:33 [speaking in Hebrew] means inside,
  • 22:35 not among or with or next to, but inside.
  • 22:38 Why would God use that type of language?
  • 22:40 Because God dwelling in the tabernacle symbolizes
  • 22:43 how he dwells inside of us today.
  • 22:45 That's why Paul calls us the tabernacle of God,
  • 22:48 'cause God dwelling in the tabernacle symbolizes him
  • 22:51 dwelling in us today.
  • 22:53 Or if you add that element of us being the tabernacle to,
  • 22:56 let's say, the menorah which represents Yeshua being
  • 22:59 the source of light, the light of the world,
  • 23:01 we are the tabernacle, Yeshua is the light,
  • 23:04 just as the walls of the tabernacle reflected the light
  • 23:07 of the menorah, we also need to reflect the light of Jesus,
  • 23:10 of Yeshua.
  • 23:12 So that's just one of many, many things of how this all points
  • 23:16 to Yeshua, to salvation through Yeshua.
  • 23:19 ♪♪♪
  • 23:26 David Hart: Many of you watching today can say,
  • 23:28 "I have stood where that tabernacle replica stands."
  • 23:32 It's amazing.
  • 23:34 We take you there on tour.
  • 23:35 If you haven't been, it will change your life
  • 23:38 like it's changed our lives.
  • 23:39 We go both in the spring and the fall.
  • 23:41 Please join us on a tour to Israel.
  • 23:44 It's life-changing.
  • 23:45 Kirsten: The whole series is about the temple,
  • 23:47 and the "Dateline Jerusalem," and Ariel was teaching
  • 23:50 from this tabernacle, and it's in the wilderness,
  • 23:53 it's in the Timna Valley right near Eilat.
  • 23:56 We go there. We stand there.
  • 23:58 These wonderful messianic believers teach
  • 24:01 about this tabernacle.
  • 24:02 It's so important, isn't it?
  • 24:04 Joshua: It can be easy for all these details to become
  • 24:06 rhetoric, to become a college course.
  • 24:08 My first time in Israel was the same way.
  • 24:10 Everything sprung to life because of the visual
  • 24:12 tangibility of everything.
  • 24:14 Yeshua spoke to the Jews of that day
  • 24:17 knowing that they were agrarian farmers,
  • 24:19 speaking to them in a language and terminology that they
  • 24:21 understood so that they could learn not just rhetoric but
  • 24:24 something that would cut to their heart.
  • 24:26 Terms like the threshing floor immediately spoke to them.
  • 24:29 That's how we separate the good wheat from the chaff.
  • 24:32 He then used that for so many different principles, and that's
  • 24:35 why it's so important to be able to experience that,
  • 24:38 so it gets inside of you.
  • 24:39 Caleb: And there's a prophetic fulfillment in all
  • 24:41 of that, in the harvest.
  • 24:43 You look at Israel's three harvests that happen
  • 24:45 in the year.
  • 24:46 You had your spring first fruits harvest of barley,
  • 24:48 your summer Shavuot harvest of the wheat,
  • 24:51 and then your fall harvest of the grapes.
  • 24:53 And those directly coincide with prophetic events
  • 24:55 that will be fulfilled in the future.
  • 24:57 So, for example, the barley harvest.
  • 24:59 1 Thessalonians 4:16 through 17 is the Harpazo,
  • 25:03 the Rapture of the bride of Christ.
  • 25:05 We will fulfill that harvest of souls.
  • 25:07 We're separated from the earth, you know,
  • 25:09 we're taken to be with Messiah.
  • 25:10 But then the wheat harvest is the next one that happens.
  • 25:12 That doesn't occur until the end of the Tribulation,
  • 25:15 in which in Matthew 24:30 through 31,
  • 25:17 Yeshua sends his angels to gather his elect
  • 25:19 from the four corners of the earth.
  • 25:22 But they still have to endure the pressure of being in that
  • 25:24 threshing floor with the sleds that pushed
  • 25:27 against him to separate that wheat from the chaff.
  • 25:30 So it's not fun.
  • 25:32 You don't want to be a part of that wheat harvest
  • 25:33 and endure the Tribulation.
  • 25:35 But the final harvest is the most heartbreaking and it's the
  • 25:36 grape harvest that Yeshua himself in Revelation 14:14
  • 25:41 through 20, he goes, and he slices and dices with the sword
  • 25:44 from his mouth at the Battle of Armageddon,
  • 25:46 and he crushes those grapes, filling the valley
  • 25:49 up to the horses' bridle with blood.
  • 25:51 This is a horrific event, and we can choose now which harvest
  • 25:55 you're going to be a part of.
  • 25:57 Are you going to be a part of that first barley harvest and
  • 25:59 get to be with your Messiah forever in heaven,
  • 26:01 or are you going to endure the pain
  • 26:03 and the suffering of the Tribulation?
  • 26:04 If you don't choose, it's chosen for you.
  • 26:06 Joshua: Sometimes the information can seem
  • 26:07 very overwhelming.
  • 26:09 This specific topic with prophecy and whatnot is actually
  • 26:11 detailed out so you don't have to rewind a million times
  • 26:13 to hear what Caleb said.
  • 26:14 There's a book.
  • 26:16 Tell 'em about that book, Caleb.
  • 26:17 Caleb: Mark Hitchcock's book, "The End."
  • 26:18 We're giving it to you as a free gift to anyone
  • 26:20 who gives an offering to this ministry.
  • 26:22 It also comes with these bookmarks.
  • 26:24 It has Scriptures that are encouraging,
  • 26:26 dealing with the prophetic end that Josh and I
  • 26:28 came up with ourselves.
  • 26:29 And we hope that you give so that we can give
  • 26:31 this resource to you.
  • 26:32 You can learn more about prophecy that God has
  • 26:34 in store for you.
  • 26:36 Kirsten: I would also like to thank all of you,
  • 26:39 our viewers, this program, this whole series
  • 26:42 is because you are giving people,
  • 26:45 and you make this possible.
  • 26:47 So, when you donate online, or if you donate through an app
  • 26:51 or write a check, you are making this program all about prophecy
  • 26:55 go to people around the world, so thank you so much.
  • 26:58 David: It's been a great day. A lot to take in, yes?
  • 27:01 It's been great. It's time to end, guys.
  • 27:04 Joshua: As we always say, "Shaalu shalom Yerushalayim."
  • 27:07 Kirsten: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:11 David: Our resource this week,
  • 27:13 "The End," written by Mark Hitchcock.
  • 27:15 This 500-page hardcover book is made available to you
  • 27:18 for your generous donation to Zola Levitt Ministries.
  • 27:22 The accompanying bookmark by Joshua and Caleb provides
  • 27:24 important Scripture from God's Word concerning the end.
  • 27:28 Please remember we depend on your generous gifts which allow
  • 27:31 us to bring timely updates regarding Bible prophecy
  • 27:34 and the end of days.
  • 27:36 Thank you so much for your continuous support
  • 27:38 of this ministry.
  • 27:41 David: Visit our website,,
  • 27:43 for tour information, broadcast schedule,
  • 27:46 free monthly newsletter, and online store.
  • 27:50 Join us right now on our social media sites
  • 27:52 for exclusive content.
  • 27:54 Call us anytime at 1-800-WONDERS,
  • 27:57 and ask about this week's resource.
  • 27:59 Please remember we depend on tax-deductible donations
  • 28:03 from viewers like you.
  • 28:05 ♪♪♪
  • 28:15 ♪♪♪
  • 28:25 ♪♪♪

Episodes in this series

  1. Sin and Restoration
  2. Places of Worship
  3. Way of Worship
  4. Need for Worship
  5. Next Place of Worship
  6. Place for Israel
  7. Sacrifices for Sin
  8. Future of Worship
  9. Ancient Sounds
  10. Temple Conference

Guest organizations and links