The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Need for Worship”
Scripture prophesies a future time when the nation of Israel will experience a spiritual revival and fully embrace the worship of the God of Israel as outlined in the Law of Moses. This revival will entail the reinstatement of the sacrificial system, including its practice in a new Temple..
Series: “Dateline Jerusalem”
The Coming Temple
The Lord’s divine plan revolved around a specific people, a place, and a promise. This ten-part series spotlights plans to reconstruct the Temple in Jerusalem featuring Dr. Jeffrey Seif, with the Bearded Bible Brothers, and David and Kirsten Hart.

Caption transcript for Dateline Jerusalem: “Need for Worship” (4/10)

  • 00:02 ♪♪♪
  • 00:08 male announcer: God could have chosen anywhere on earth,
  • 00:11 but he chose Israel.
  • 00:13 He could have revealed his redemption anywhere;
  • 00:16 he chose Jerusalem.
  • 00:18 The house of the Lord might have been any place on earth;
  • 00:22 he chose Mount Moriah.
  • 00:24 Past, present, and future, the mountain of the Lord has been
  • 00:27 a beacon of hope and remains a strategic site
  • 00:32 for the next temple of God.
  • 00:35 "Dateline Jerusalem: The Coming Temple."
  • 00:42 David Hart: We're so glad you've joined us today.
  • 00:44 We have Dr. Seif with us in this series, but also your insight,
  • 00:48 guys, is just phenomenal.
  • 00:49 We're so glad you're part of this series.
  • 00:51 Kirsten Hart: It's a great combo: Dr. Seif in Israel, you
  • 00:53 here for this time, for this--the whole series, and
  • 00:57 thankful that you're sitting in these seats.
  • 00:58 Joshua Colson: We're very grateful to be here as well.
  • 01:00 There's nothing more exciting to talk about than the Word of God.
  • 01:03 God is incredible, as we all know.
  • 01:06 You know, I'm one of those people who kind of flies
  • 01:07 by the seat of my pants.
  • 01:09 Type B isn't enough to describe me, but God isn't like that.
  • 01:12 He has plans and he has purposes and he has ordained things down
  • 01:16 to the greatest detail since the beginning of time.
  • 01:18 Caleb Colson: That's right, and you've heard the saying,
  • 01:20 "Am Yisrael chai," the people of Israel live.
  • 01:23 They're alive in the land but not all of the Israelites
  • 01:26 worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and so all
  • 01:29 these plans are all to bring the Jewish people back to the
  • 01:32 worship of the one true God.
  • 01:34 Kirsten: And it's happening.
  • 01:35 Caleb: It's happening.
  • 01:36 David: Yes, so much in this program today,
  • 01:38 but right now, we take you to Israel
  • 01:40 where Dr. Seif's teaching.
  • 01:41 ♪♪♪
  • 01:43 Caleb: For hundreds of years the idea of another Beit
  • 01:45 HaMikdash, temple, in Yerushalayim has been little
  • 01:48 more than a dream.
  • 01:50 But it should be recalled by the return of the Jewish people back
  • 01:53 to their homeland was a dream fulfilled.
  • 01:56 A once-forsaken Arab land now blossoms as the rose,
  • 02:00 and stands tall, fulfilling the prophetic words of Isaiah,
  • 02:03 Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.
  • 02:05 Yerushalayim is once again the capital of Israel.
  • 02:08 The sprawling city of Tel Aviv, a dynamic economic center.
  • 02:12 And while some prophecy remains to be fulfilled, it's good to
  • 02:15 recall what's already happened throughout the land so very
  • 02:18 quickly that stirred an interest in and the possibility for a
  • 02:22 third temple in Yerushalayim.
  • 02:25 Dr. Jeffrey Seif: A little over 100 years before the United
  • 02:29 States of America declared its independence, Franciscans came
  • 02:34 here to Jaffa and built an inn.
  • 02:37 It was a place for Christian pilgrims to come.
  • 02:40 Now, Jaffa at the time was ruins.
  • 02:42 There was nothing here to speak of, never mind a Jew.
  • 02:45 There was nothing.
  • 02:47 But this facility and the complex was built to accommodate
  • 02:52 Christian pilgrims.
  • 02:55 I'm pleased by that, but this land itself was designed to
  • 03:00 accommodate Jewish pilgrims, principally, though not
  • 03:04 exclusively, but as you know, Jews were banished from the land
  • 03:07 years ago and, goodness, have we had a tough plight in history.
  • 03:12 Jews started coming back here miraculously.
  • 03:14 There was a trickle, a little here, a little there, beginning
  • 03:18 in 1882, various waves of immigration; in large measure,
  • 03:22 precipitated by anti-Semitism in the world.
  • 03:26 And there's this dawning awareness that we need to get
  • 03:28 back to our own space because Jews were forever jostled about
  • 03:33 in broader culture.
  • 03:35 Some were tolerant towards Jews, some not, and the political
  • 03:38 climate changes, and problems associated with that prompted
  • 03:42 immigration where the net result is that Jews start making their
  • 03:45 way here, humanly speaking.
  • 03:47 But I think the arrival of Jewish people in the ancestral
  • 03:51 homeland should be less attributed to social factors in
  • 03:55 the broader culture as much as it is the fact that the Bible
  • 03:58 predicted a return from exile.
  • 04:02 And I'm looking here in Ezekiel chapter 36 in verse 23.
  • 04:09 The Lord says, [speaking in Hebrew]."
  • 04:12 He says, "I will make My name great in the world."
  • 04:16 And how's he going to do that?
  • 04:17 He goes on to say, [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 04:21 and the nations will know that I am the LORD."
  • 04:25 And how is he gonna make his name great?
  • 04:27 How is the world at large gonna know that God is God?
  • 04:30 What's the proof at the end of the day?
  • 04:32 The proof is what happens here.
  • 04:34 I say that because he says in verse 24, he says,
  • 04:38 [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 04:41 He says, "I will take you from among the nations."
  • 04:45 Very, very explicit.
  • 04:47 [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 04:50 And I will gather you from all the countries."
  • 04:54 Again, the author envisions here--well, not the author.
  • 04:57 The prophetic voice here envisions the reconstituting,
  • 05:01 the regathering, when God remembers his people.
  • 05:05 And, by the way, even the word "remember"
  • 05:08 is an interesting word.
  • 05:10 Remember Jesus with the Lord's Supper says,
  • 05:13 "Do this to remember me."
  • 05:17 The word "member" comes from re-member, that is to gather the
  • 05:21 member, the constituent parts, together, to re-member
  • 05:25 the various members.
  • 05:26 To dismember means to dissect the corpus, the body.
  • 05:32 That is to dismember.
  • 05:34 To re-member is to bring it back together.
  • 05:37 My son's name is Zachariah, one of my sons, from zakhar in
  • 05:41 Hebrew which means to remember.
  • 05:42 The ultimate remembrance is when God shows off in the world and
  • 05:46 lets the world know that he's the God of Avraham, Yitzhak,
  • 05:49 and Ya'aqov, through the miracles that he does here.
  • 05:52 Again, this is old space right here.
  • 05:54 We're going back many, many years.
  • 05:56 There was nothing 'til Franciscans came and built an
  • 05:59 inn, and you're gonna see in the next segment in this program
  • 06:02 that Tel Aviv, which is adjacent to Jaffa, was absolutely nothing
  • 06:07 until such time as the miracle unfolded there.
  • 06:09 But the miracle that unfolded there was predicted here.
  • 06:13 It's in the book. It's in Ezekiel.
  • 06:15 He says, "I'm gonna take you from among the nations.
  • 06:17 I'm gonna gather you."
  • 06:18 And then he says, [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 06:24 And I will bring you into your own land."
  • 06:30 Friends, there's no historical precedent
  • 06:31 for this sort of thing.
  • 06:33 Jews were dispersed centuries ago.
  • 06:35 To think that individuals would make their way back and have a
  • 06:39 spirited bid here in the ancestral homeland,
  • 06:42 it's nothing short of miraculous.
  • 06:44 It's like defying the laws of gravity, it just doesn't happen
  • 06:49 but for God.
  • 06:51 God is up to something in the world in order to show off in
  • 06:54 the world that the world might know.
  • 06:58 He says it, it's explicit here: "I will sanctify My great name,
  • 07:03 and the nations will know that I am the LORD."
  • 07:06 And how does that happen?
  • 07:08 Well, when the world sees what God does here in this place,
  • 07:13 that is a testimony.
  • 07:15 That's why we're doing this program, "Dateline Jerusalem,"
  • 07:20 to see what God is up to in the Word and what God
  • 07:22 is up to in the world.
  • 07:26 Caleb: Indeed, those who fix their eyes on Israel, and more
  • 07:28 particularly, Yerushalayim, understand its importance
  • 07:30 in the last days.
  • 07:32 Isaac Mamo is associated with an organization called Boneh
  • 07:34 Israel, "Building Israel," the organization that's overseeing
  • 07:38 the forthcoming ashes of the red heifer.
  • 07:40 We asked him if the ark of the covenant needed to be found
  • 07:43 before the third temple could be built in Yerushalayim.
  • 07:47 Isaac Mamo: The second temple time, the ark wasn't exist,
  • 07:50 okay?
  • 07:52 So we don't need the ark to make the temple.
  • 07:54 This is one.
  • 07:55 Number two, maybe it's in how you call it, Area 51?
  • 08:00 Indiana Jones put the ark into storage so maybe it's there,
  • 08:03 I don't know.
  • 08:05 The ark of the covenant, it's important.
  • 08:09 But more important is what we feel in our heart because,
  • 08:13 again, the temple--at the end of the day, the temple
  • 08:16 is just a building.
  • 08:17 It's just a stone.
  • 08:21 Caleb: As news spreads concerning the next temple,
  • 08:24 believers need to hold fast to the Word of God and understand
  • 08:27 that the Alpha and Omega has it all under control.
  • 08:32 David Parsons: Somehow, God, by his Holy Spirit, if we'll be
  • 08:35 patient with him, he'll get it done and he has a special
  • 08:40 ministry reserved for this.
  • 08:43 Of course, it enrages the nations and there's much more
  • 08:47 there in Revelation.
  • 08:49 We won't go into it, but I believe there's a redemptive
  • 08:52 purpose where God gets alone with his people when they get it
  • 08:56 right with him.
  • 08:58 You can find this in Joel and other places.
  • 09:02 "Weep between the porch and the altar," a national repentance
  • 09:06 where Israel gets it right with God and, therefore, we should
  • 09:10 let God do it and in his timing, but be aware that this is the
  • 09:15 redemptive purpose in rebuilding the temple.
  • 09:18 And if they start on it and get frustrated or it stirs
  • 09:22 controversy and war, whatever, we have to stand with Israel.
  • 09:28 Yehuda Glick: The idea of one temple is one place that we all
  • 09:31 serve one God and that's what the Bible tells us.
  • 09:35 So if we build several different--then it's
  • 09:38 another--that's just another church.
  • 09:41 It's just another church.
  • 09:42 We have plenty of churches all over the world.
  • 09:43 You can build 'em wherever you want.
  • 09:45 If we're talking about building a sanctuary for God, for one
  • 09:49 God, it has to be one place which serves as a house of
  • 09:54 prayer for all nations.
  • 09:57 The source of the blessing, the source of peace,
  • 10:00 the source of Torah for the world.
  • 10:02 It can only be one.
  • 10:04 You can't have several of them right next to each other.
  • 10:06 We can--the Dome of the Rock can be part of the structure of what
  • 10:09 we're talking about.
  • 10:11 It--these are things that--but these are already coming to
  • 10:14 technical questions: how to do it.
  • 10:17 We're not there yet.
  • 10:18 Right now, we have to prepare the most important vessel of the
  • 10:21 temple: the hearts of mankind.
  • 10:24 We need the souls of humanity.
  • 10:27 Once they're part of the global Zionist movement, then building
  • 10:33 the temple will be the most simple part of the whole thing.
  • 10:36 ♪♪♪
  • 10:42 Joshua: As a Messianic Jewish believer, I love to hear other
  • 10:45 Jews speak about it being on the heart, that redemption.
  • 10:49 But the thing to remember is that that redemption has come.
  • 10:52 His name is Yeshua, Jesus, the Messiah.
  • 10:56 Everything that's been discussed about the temple and everything
  • 10:58 that you will learn is for one purpose: for the Lord to draw
  • 11:01 all mankind unto him.
  • 11:04 That's spoken about over and over in book of Ezekiel.
  • 11:07 Caleb: That's right, and most people think it's a given for
  • 11:09 Jewish people to believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
  • 11:12 and the Torah, but it's not true.
  • 11:14 So many Jews from all the nations have gathered and made
  • 11:17 Aliyah in Israel and you have Buddhist Jews, you have Hindu
  • 11:21 Jews, you have atheist Jews, you have agnostic,
  • 11:24 every Jew under the sun.
  • 11:25 And even amongst the religious Jews, you have Conservative and
  • 11:28 Orthodox, and they all don't agree on one another
  • 11:31 according to theology.
  • 11:33 And so it's gonna take a big cataclysmic event for all Jews
  • 11:36 to believe the same and to build this third temple.
  • 11:39 And I believe the catalyst for that is found in Ezekiel 38 and
  • 11:42 39 when this spiritual entity, Prince Gog, aligns all these
  • 11:46 nations in an alliance to wipe out the nation of Israel.
  • 11:50 But God supernaturally intervenes with hailstones and
  • 11:53 fire and brimstones and plague and earthquakes, and then all
  • 11:57 the nations and Israel sees that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and
  • 12:01 Jacob is real, and we see the nations aligning today with
  • 12:06 alliances with Russia and Iran, Persia, all of these countries
  • 12:11 are coming together and we know that time is short.
  • 12:14 Joshua: Don't get caught up in deception.
  • 12:15 The spirit of the age is the spirit of man.
  • 12:18 The enemy would have you look to yourself as God as the sole
  • 12:21 answer of truth, but there is only one truth
  • 12:23 and that is the Lord.
  • 12:25 It is time that we stop looking to ourselves to find the answer,
  • 12:28 stop seeking with what we feel in our emotions to indicate and
  • 12:32 dictate what we're going to do in our lives.
  • 12:34 But when we turn our focus onto him, when we seek his face, his
  • 12:37 truth, which is the only truth that exists, and ask him for his
  • 12:41 plan and desire for our life, when we accept his redemption,
  • 12:44 that is when we will see the truth for what it is, and not be
  • 12:47 tricked by the deception.
  • 12:49 Caleb: That's right, guys.
  • 12:50 That's what we're waiting for right now.
  • 12:51 Kirsten: And we're thankful for your insight and the insight
  • 12:53 of everyone on this program that we're bringing.
  • 12:56 We can all work together to bring that about.
  • 12:59 And he's coming, regardless.
  • 13:00 David: Amen, that's so good.
  • 13:02 Right now, we take you to Tel Aviv for Dr. Seif, where he's on
  • 13:05 location, teaching.
  • 13:06 Let's go there now.
  • 13:09 Dr. Jeffrey Seif: It is a beautiful morning here in Yafo
  • 13:13 or Jaffa, depending how you pronounce it.
  • 13:16 You might think, "Well, wait a minute, Jeffrey.
  • 13:18 That sure looks a lot like Tel Aviv behind you
  • 13:20 in the background."
  • 13:21 Well, that is Tel Aviv in the background.
  • 13:23 Once upon a time, that place didn't exist.
  • 13:26 Jaffa, where I'm coming from right now, that
  • 13:27 was the place, Jaffa.
  • 13:30 There was nothing but sand over there.
  • 13:31 That has been majorly developed since.
  • 13:35 In 1909, in April, 66 families got together and began a
  • 13:41 neighborhood over there.
  • 13:43 Now over there we're looking at 4½-plus million people in the
  • 13:50 Greater Tel Aviv area.
  • 13:52 Now, when you figure Israel itself, in the whole, has 9
  • 13:55 million, this place has really turned into something.
  • 13:59 You know, and people can say, "Well, why is that?"
  • 14:01 Well, it's the dint of determination of the Jews.
  • 14:05 Well, you know, that's maybe a little overly simplistic.
  • 14:09 Well, there was money. America helped with money.
  • 14:13 That's probably a little overly simplistic too.
  • 14:15 There's more to the story.
  • 14:17 I think Bible readers, this is particularly true with Ezekiel
  • 14:21 whose name, by the way, comes from the word "chazaq," and
  • 14:24 Ezekiel himself, his ministry was opened up to him in a place
  • 14:31 called Tel Aviv, interestingly, not this place.
  • 14:34 He was far away, but it was named as such.
  • 14:39 Tel Aviv here comes from "From the hill of the spring," and a
  • 14:43 lot of new life and new water, to be sure, is coming forth from
  • 14:45 this place.
  • 14:47 But it's not just dint of determination, it's not just
  • 14:50 Jewish prowess, it's not that.
  • 14:52 Though, to be sure, you have to be doggedly determined
  • 14:54 to build something.
  • 14:55 No, if you look at what's happened in the modern state
  • 14:58 since '48, against all odds, the land hasn't just--and the people
  • 15:02 in the land hasn't just--they haven't just survived.
  • 15:06 They thrived. And why is that?
  • 15:08 Well, let's take a look at the book, and I'm a Bible teacher.
  • 15:11 I can stand before you as a newspaper reporter and as a
  • 15:14 journalist and talk about the modern state and I'm game to do
  • 15:17 that to a certain extent.
  • 15:18 But principally, I'm a Bible teacher and you're watching
  • 15:20 Christian television, you want a biblical message.
  • 15:23 Well, if you look in Ezekiel, chapter 36, this author
  • 15:28 prophesies, giving voice to the fact that Judeans are gonna be
  • 15:32 gathered from lands from which they were scattered.
  • 15:35 He says, [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 15:38 the Lord says, "and say: [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 15:45 This land that was desolate [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 15:50 has become like the garden of Eden."
  • 15:52 A once-desolate land, it'll be said of that place, "It has
  • 15:57 become like the garden of Eden."
  • 16:00 Seems to me that that prophetic word is fulfilled right now,
  • 16:04 like never before.
  • 16:07 Like never before.
  • 16:08 And it's the poetic language, like gan-Eden, like the garden
  • 16:12 of Eden.
  • 16:14 Eden was known for its wherewithal, its sustenance.
  • 16:18 And to be sure, when I think of Tel Aviv, Israel, not just
  • 16:21 Israel in general, you know, the technological epicenter of the
  • 16:25 world, there's so much entrepreneurial spirit at play
  • 16:29 here and innovation and high tech.
  • 16:32 Tel Aviv is known for that in many ways, principally, but
  • 16:36 Israel not exclusively.
  • 16:38 Israel produces, like the garden of Eden.
  • 16:41 In fact, there's more exports of fruits going out of Israel.
  • 16:45 Israelis are doing more than just feeding their population.
  • 16:49 And why is that?
  • 16:51 Well, I was reminded of that, I heard a song the other day when
  • 16:55 I was by the kotel, the Western Wall.
  • 16:57 People are always running around, singing.
  • 16:58 There's bar mitzvahs and what have you.
  • 17:00 And there's a song, "Am Yisrael Chai,"
  • 17:03 "The People of Israel Lives."
  • 17:06 And why do the people of Israel live?
  • 17:09 Because God predicted that they would arise from their graves
  • 17:14 and come back to life as a testimony of God's saving power
  • 17:18 in the world.
  • 17:20 If you're wondering, "Well, is God real?
  • 17:22 Can I really believe his promises?
  • 17:24 Does he really watch over his word to perform it?"
  • 17:28 If you ask yourself that question, let me give you the
  • 17:30 answer to it: Yes, he does.
  • 17:34 And I'm standing in living proof as I'm telling the story of
  • 17:38 "Dateline Jerusalem."
  • 17:43 Caleb: While Bible prophecy unfolds before our very eyes in
  • 17:45 Israel, some have lingering questions about
  • 17:48 a third temple in Jerusalem.
  • 17:50 We asked Isaac Mamo about the concern that some have voiced
  • 17:53 regarding animal sacrifice once again upon the Temple Mount.
  • 17:58 Isaac: We know that today our pray is because we don't have
  • 18:02 sacrifice and part of the galut, part of the situation that we
  • 18:12 are--we don't have spirituality like the time of the temple, is
  • 18:18 that we are not connected to our soul as it was at the past,
  • 18:26 or the time of the temple was standing.
  • 18:29 And therefore, for us to slaughter a cow, it's barbecue
  • 18:39 and by the prophets, when you read the prophet and when you
  • 18:43 read in the Bible, you see that when man arrives to the
  • 18:46 situation that he has to bring sacrifice, it's hurt himself.
  • 18:51 It's--he feel like he had to be slaughtered.
  • 18:57 Actually, when the temple was destroyed,
  • 19:00 it's not a building they destroy.
  • 19:02 There is a lot of building they destroy in the world.
  • 19:04 When the temple was destroyed, there was, let's say, no more
  • 19:08 connection, no more prophet.
  • 19:13 After the temple was destroyed, no more prophet in the world.
  • 19:18 And we miss this connection.
  • 19:21 And because we don't have this connection, we don't understand
  • 19:26 what is the sacrifice.
  • 19:29 If I will take a person 100 years ago and I will let him to
  • 19:32 hold iPhone, he will not understand what is this?
  • 19:37 The same us, we don't understand what is a sacrifice?
  • 19:41 So we can, again, we can give a lot of explanation but as I'm
  • 19:46 going back, as a believer, I believe that what's written in
  • 19:50 the Bible, it's real.
  • 19:54 It exist.
  • 19:56 And the situation that we don't have, the way and the power to
  • 20:00 understand, it's our problem, not a Bible problem.
  • 20:04 So, yes, at the end of the day, when the temple will be built
  • 20:09 and we had again sacrifice, it will be hard for people
  • 20:12 to bring sacrifice.
  • 20:14 And our mission is to educate and teach and learn about the
  • 20:20 way to God, the spirituality of God, to the people of Israel and
  • 20:26 the people of the world.
  • 20:28 And then, a question about sacrifice, a question about the
  • 20:31 red heifer, a question about Islamic and Jewish relationship
  • 20:35 will not be on the table.
  • 20:39 Again, maybe it will take 20 years, maybe it will take 1
  • 20:42 year, and maybe it will happen tomorrow morning.
  • 20:46 Every day in the pray, we say, [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 20:50 I believe that the Mashiach will come tomorrow morning.
  • 20:55 And even that he isn't came, that he didn't show up,
  • 21:00 I will wait.
  • 21:02 This is a part of the believer of every Jewish in the world, we
  • 21:06 say that [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 21:12 even if this will take him a time, I'm still waiting,
  • 21:17 and I'm still believe that Mashiach will come.
  • 21:23 Caleb: Well over a year ago I had the opportunity to interview
  • 21:26 Rabbi Isaac Mamo personally at the height of the whole red
  • 21:28 heifer exposure, and you can see his passion even in that clip,
  • 21:32 his desire to see, to meet, his Messiah.
  • 21:35 Now, I am a Jewish believer in Mashiach Yeshua, I believe he's
  • 21:39 already come and I hope by seeing that, it's spurred you,
  • 21:42 the believer, a Christian, to action to tell your friends, to
  • 21:44 tell other Jewish people, that their Messiah has already come
  • 21:48 and his name is Yeshua.
  • 21:50 I believe you cannot truly love God without loving his people,
  • 21:53 the Jewish people, at the same time.
  • 21:56 Now, I've had the opportunity to interview Mark Hitchcock.
  • 22:00 He's a Bible prophecy expert. He's an author.
  • 22:02 He's a pastor throughout this whole series, and he's gonna
  • 22:05 explain to us the great links that the God of Israel goes to
  • 22:10 reach out to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
  • 22:13 Caleb: Hey, Mark, thanks for being with us.
  • 22:16 Mark Hitchcock: Yes, happy to be here.
  • 22:18 Caleb: I know today we're seeing so many Jewish people
  • 22:20 return to the land of Israel.
  • 22:21 That's prophetic, they're back in their land.
  • 22:24 But not all of them have turned their hearts back to
  • 22:26 the God of Israel.
  • 22:28 I know there's lots of prophecy in Ezekiel, talking about their
  • 22:30 hearts being turned to God, and God taking great lengths
  • 22:35 to prove that "I am the Lord."
  • 22:37 That's, like, the theme of Ezekiel.
  • 22:38 What is it gonna take for all the Jews, national Israel, to
  • 22:42 finally turn their hearts back to the God of Israel?
  • 22:45 Mark: Well, I think it's gonna take the Tribulation
  • 22:47 period, and I think that's part of the purpose of this coming
  • 22:49 time of trouble.
  • 22:50 It's called, in Jeremiah 30, verse 7,
  • 22:52 "The time of Jacob's trouble."
  • 22:53 It's gonna be a unique time of trouble for the Jewish people.
  • 22:57 Now, the Jewish people are being regathered now to their land,
  • 23:00 physically, but the Bible says someday they're gonna be
  • 23:03 regathered to the Lord spiritually.
  • 23:06 It's a physical regathering now, mostly in unbelief.
  • 23:10 But there's gonna be a regathering in belief at the end
  • 23:13 of the Tribulation period and I think that the Jews--many Jews
  • 23:16 will come to Christ during the Tribulation period.
  • 23:18 There's 144,000 Jewish men who'll be saved in Revelation 7.
  • 23:24 There's another, I think, a large saved remnant as well that
  • 23:27 God protects of Jewish people during that time.
  • 23:29 But two-thirds will be cut off during this time of Tribulation
  • 23:33 that's coming, the Bible tells us.
  • 23:35 But God ultimately is gonna bring the Jewish people to
  • 23:37 himself, I think a huge group at the Second Coming.
  • 23:41 In Zechariah 12, verse 10, it says that God's gonna pour out
  • 23:44 on 'em a spirit of grace and supplication.
  • 23:47 He says, "They'll look upon me whom they've pierced.
  • 23:49 They're gonna mourn like one mourns for an only son."
  • 23:51 So I think there's gonna be a huge turning of Jewish people to
  • 23:55 Jesus, their Messiah, when he's actually returning, when he's
  • 23:57 coming back to earth.
  • 23:59 Romans 11:36 says: "All Israel will be saved."
  • 24:02 Now that doesn't mean all Jews of all time.
  • 24:04 Caleb: Yes, that's right.
  • 24:06 Mark: But those who are alive on the earth, there's gonna be a
  • 24:08 mass conversion of the Jewish people and so, you know, it's
  • 24:11 gonna take that time of Tribulation to bring that about.
  • 24:13 But praise God, he's gonna be faithful to them and to his
  • 24:15 covenants and bring them to faith in Messiah.
  • 24:18 Caleb: Thank you for that insight, Mark.
  • 24:20 Mark: Amen.
  • 24:22 Caleb: You've heard the Word of God says: "Give and it shall
  • 24:24 be given unto you."
  • 24:26 We know the Lord blesses a cheerful giver, but we wanna
  • 24:28 bless you also.
  • 24:29 We have Mark Hitchcock's book, "The End."
  • 24:31 When you give a donation, we're giving that to you.
  • 24:33 We also have a bookmark.
  • 24:35 It was written by Josh and me.
  • 24:37 It has a lot of Scriptures concerning prophetic endtimes
  • 24:39 events and it's an encouragement to you.
  • 24:41 It's really great.
  • 24:42 Joshua: Not only is it encouragement, but you're never
  • 24:44 gonna lose your place in your book that you're reading.
  • 24:45 That's kind of a big deal.
  • 24:47 Kirsten: I'm impressed that you guys made a bookmark.
  • 24:49 I think that's great.
  • 24:50 Caleb: Not a book; a bookmark. It was hard.
  • 24:52 Kirsten: Just the beginning, just the beginning.
  • 24:53 Joshua: A lot of willpower.
  • 24:54 Kirsten: I really appreciated Mark Hitchcock today.
  • 24:57 With his words that he said that Yeshua himself
  • 25:02 will draw everyone.
  • 25:03 I don't know, we don't talk about that much in the church,
  • 25:08 that it's--he's the one going, "Just watch and I can pull 'em
  • 25:11 to myself."
  • 25:12 Caleb: And it's very hard for Jews today to understand
  • 25:15 Yeshua's importance because he has prophetically told in the
  • 25:20 Old Testament Scriptures modern Judaism uses the Mishnah, the
  • 25:24 Talmud, and all these different practices that aren't
  • 25:26 Levitically based, so you can see the necessity of bringing
  • 25:30 back this temple worship and sacrifices for them to
  • 25:33 understand who God really is.
  • 25:35 Joshua: When you look in the Hebrews 10:4, it says: "It is
  • 25:37 impossible for the blood of bulls and goats
  • 25:38 to take away sins."
  • 25:40 Verse 11: "Day after day every priest stands and performs his
  • 25:43 religious duties; again and again he offers the same
  • 25:46 sacrifices, which can never take away sins."
  • 25:49 Caleb: Why is it important then if these sacrifices
  • 25:52 can't take away sins?
  • 25:54 It's because they all prophetically point to Yeshua.
  • 25:56 Joshua: And that's what Hebrews 10:10 says when it says:
  • 25:59 "And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice
  • 26:02 of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all."
  • 26:06 Caleb: And guys, this is the only reason that the Lord is
  • 26:08 allowing these red heifers to come and the rebuilding of the
  • 26:11 third temple is because there hasn't been a sacrificial system
  • 26:14 for 2000 years, and your modern Jews are like,
  • 26:17 "Why do I need this? This doesn't matter.
  • 26:18 I've survived over 2000 years without, you know,
  • 26:21 sacrificing cows and all this."
  • 26:22 It's because once they see and taste and experience the God of
  • 26:26 the Old Testament, then they'll identify Yeshua of the New
  • 26:29 Testament as the fulfillment of all that was written
  • 26:32 by the prophets.
  • 26:33 Kirsten: And as you say, there is big importance to this
  • 26:37 third temple.
  • 26:38 It's a means of God himself calling his people back to him
  • 26:43 because I think we always think third temple, just like...
  • 26:45 It's gonna be--it's horrific.
  • 26:48 Well, there is that angle also, but there also is the calling of
  • 26:53 Yeshua calling his people.
  • 26:56 David: And we're living in that time and we're watching it
  • 26:57 come about.
  • 26:59 Caleb: Yes. David: It's pretty amazing.
  • 27:00 Can't believe we're halfway through our series.
  • 27:02 But it's time for us to go now, until next week.
  • 27:06 Joshua: As we always say: "Shaalu shalom Yerushalayim."
  • 27:09 David: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:12 David: Our resource this week, "The End,"
  • 27:14 written by Mark Hitchcock.
  • 27:16 This 500-page hardcover book is made available to you for your
  • 27:20 generous donation to Zola Levitt Ministries.
  • 27:23 The accompanying bookmark by Joshua and Caleb provides
  • 27:25 important Scripture from God's Word concerning the end.
  • 27:28 Please remember we depend on your generous gifts which allow
  • 27:32 us to bring timely updates regarding Bible prophecy
  • 27:35 and the end of days.
  • 27:37 Thank you so much for your continuous support
  • 27:38 of this ministry.
  • 27:42 David: Visit our website,, for tour
  • 27:44 information, broadcast schedule, free monthly newsletter,
  • 27:48 and online store.
  • 27:50 Join us right now on our social media sites
  • 27:53 for exclusive content.
  • 27:55 Call us anytime at 1-800-WONDERS, and ask about
  • 27:58 this week's resource.
  • 28:00 Please remember we depend on tax-deductible donations
  • 28:02 from viewers like you.
  • 28:05 ♪♪♪
  • 28:15 ♪♪♪
  • 28:25 ♪♪♪

Episodes in this series

  1. Sin and Restoration
  2. Places of Worship
  3. Way of Worship
  4. Need for Worship
  5. Next Place of Worship
  6. Place for Israel
  7. Sacrifices for Sin
  8. Future of Worship
  9. Ancient Sounds
  10. Temple Conference

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